Hi all,
we have some recent MC productions created with ROOT 6.30/04. While we migrated our analysis software to ROOT6, still some people use the version based on ROOT 5.34.36. They tried to read the file attached, and they get crashes. For example:
root [0] TFile *f = TFile::Open("GA_M1_za05to35_8_855617_Y_w0.root")
Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class TVirtualPaveStats is available
Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class ROOT::TIOFeatures is available
root [1] f->ls()
TFile** GA_M1_za05to35_8_855617_Y_w0.root Untitled
TFile* GA_M1_za05to35_8_855617_Y_w0.root Untitled
KEY: TTree OriginalMC;1 Tree containing MMcEvtBasic
KEY: TTree RunTails;1 Tree containing MMarsVersion_sorcerer [MMarsVersion]
KEY: TTree RunHeaders;1 Tree containing MRawRunHeader
KEY: TTree Events;1 Tree containing MMcEvt
KEY: MHCamera Unsuitable;avg;cpy;1 Fraction of unsuitable events per Pixel
KEY: MHCamera Unsuitable;avg;1 Fraction of unsuitable events per Pixel
KEY: MHCamera ShowerCharge;cpy;1 Mean Calibrated Signal
KEY: MHCamera ShowerRMSCharge;cpy;1 RMS of Calibrated Signal
KEY: MHCamera ShowerHitFraction;cpy;1 Hit Fraction
KEY: MHCamera ShowerMeanArrTime;cpy;1 Mean raw arrival time
KEY: MHCamera ShowerRMSArrTime;cpy;1 RMS raw arrival time
KEY: MHCamera ShowerMeanCalTime;cpy;1 Mean calibrated arrival time
KEY: MHCamera ShowerRMSCalTime;cpy;1 RMS calibrated arrival time
root [2] .q
*** Break *** segmentation violation
this is even without reading anything from the trees, also that fails. I thought that to some degree it would have been possible to read files containing TTrees created with ROOT6 with ROOT5, but it seems it is not the case. Looking around the forum, I saw posts where similar warnings like the ones after creating the TFile object were reported, but the ROOT versions affected is not the one used here.
Any ideas on what could be the issue?
GA_M1_za05to35_8_855617_Y_w0.zip (1.6 MB)