Problems reading files from eos personal directory

Dear experts,

Im trying to read a file from my eos directory using the following:

TChain * cc = new TChain(“physics”)
root [1] cc->AddFile(“root://eosatlas//eos/atlas/user/a/anduaga/data12_NTUP_ZPRIMEEE/p1141/data12_8TeV.00206497.physics_Egamma.merge.NTUP_ZPRIMEEE.f453_m1175_p1130_p1141_tid00916108_00/NTUP_ZPRIMEEE.00916108._000001.root”)
root [2] cc->Scan(“ph_pt”)
Error in TXNetFile::Init: root://eosatlas//eos/atlas/user/a/andua … 00001.root not a ROOT file
Error in TXNetFile::CreateXClient: open attempt failed on root://eosatlas//eos/atlas/user/a/andua … 00001.root

The same procedure works fine if the file is placed locally,
(Im using root from lxplus: ROOTSYS=/afs/

Any ideas of what could be the problem?
Thanks in advance,

Problem solved,
(there was a problem with the files on eos)
Sorry for the noise,