Problems about multithreading techniques using OpenMP and ComponentComsol

Dear Garfield++ experts:
  I am trying to speed up my simulation by using the OpenMP. In the code below, I built my detector model in Comsol software, then imported the field maps to Garfiled++ and simulated the electron drift using the class AvalancheMicroscopic.
  Some Garfield++ objects were defined as arrays of pointers for each thread. However, The results of multi-threading and single-threading simulations were consistent, but the former was much slower. Race conditions seemed happened between different threads.
  Is there an issue with either my code or the ComponentComsol class in Garfield++? And how can I solve the issue?

  Here is part of my code:

    // Initial ComponentComsol Obj
    ComponentComsol* fm = new ComponentComsol();
    fm->Initialise(fileMesh.c_str(), fileDielectrics.c_str(), fileField.c_str(), "mm");
    if( Debug ) fm->PrintRange();
    const unsigned int nMaterials = fm->GetNumberOfMaterials();
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nMaterials; ++i)
        const double eps = fm->GetPermittivity(i);
        if (eps == 1.)
          fm->SetMedium(i, &gas); // for Gas Medium ,eps=1. copper set to 1e10
   //Set up avalanche and sensor for each thread:
    Sensor **sensor=new Sensor*[nThreads];
    AvalancheMicroscopic **driftelectron=new AvalancheMicroscopic*[nThreads];
    std::vector<TRandom3*> vRnd;
    for(int iThread=0;iThread<nThreads;++iThread)
         //Random Engine
        vRnd[iThread] = new TRandom3(0);
        sensor[iThread]=new Sensor();
        sensor[iThread]->SetArea(-Radius-4, -Radius-4,0,Radius+4,Radius+4,Zmax);
        driftelectron[iThread]=new AvalancheMicroscopic();
    // Create ROOT file
    TFile *file = new TFile("DriftLine_e_MP.root", "RECREATE");
    // Creat TTree
    TTree *tte = new TTree("tte", "DriftVelocity");
    tte->Branch("velocity", &velocity, "velocity/D");
    tte->Branch("x0", &x0, "x0/D");
    tte->Branch("y0", &y0, "y0/D");
    tte->Branch("z0", &z0, "z0/D");
    tte->Branch("x1", &x1, "x1/D");
    tte->Branch("y1", &y1, "y1/D");
    tte->Branch("z1", &z1, "z1/D");
    tte->Branch("status", &status, "status/I");
    tte->Branch("t1", &t1, "t1/D");

#pragma omp parallel for
    for (int i = 0; i < nEvents; ++i)
        int thread_num = omp_get_thread_num();
        if (i % 200 == 0)
          std::cout << "----WT" << thread_num << ">: " << i << "/" << nEvents << " || " << std::endl;
        int statusmt(0);
        double xx0(0.), yy0(0.), zz0(0.), tt0(0.), ee0(0.), velocitymt(0.);
        double xx1(0.), yy1(0.), zz1(0.), tt1(0.), ee1(0.);

        xx0 = vRnd[thread_num]->Uniform(-15, 15);
        // xx0 = rnd.Uniform(-15, 15);
        yy0 = 0., zz0 = posZ, tt0 = 0;

        driftelectron[thread_num]->DriftElectron(xx0, yy0, zz0, tt0, ee0);
        driftelectron[thread_num]->GetElectronEndpoint(0, xx0, yy0, zz0, tt0, ee0, xx1, yy1, zz1, tt1, ee1, statusmt);

        if ((tt1 - tt0) != 0)
          velocitymt = 1e9 * TMath::Abs(zz0 - zz1) / (tt1 - tt0); // Unit [cm/s]
          velocitymt = 0;
#pragma omp critical
          x0 = xx0;
          y0 = yy0;
          z0 = zz0;
          x1 = xx1;
          y1 = yy1;
          z1 = zz1;
          velocity = velocitymt;
          status = statusmt;
          threadid = thread_num;
          t1 = tt1;



Good question… I wouldn’t expect ComponentComsol to be the issue. One potential issue is that all instances of AvalancheMicroscopic share the same random number generator.

Thanks for your reply!

  • Can it be solved? I couldn’t find any method in the AvalancheMicroscopic that can change the random number generator.:pensive:
  • This may also be related to the platform (WSL2_Ubuntu22.04) or machine I used. I ran the same code on the Compute Cluster (Centos7.9), and it did improve the calculation speed to a certain extent by using OpenMP, as shown in the figure below. :imp:

It’s something on the to-do list but I’m not sure if there’s a quick solution…

Thanks so much for your reply. I will continue to look for other solutions. :smiley:

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