Did you try package for Ubuntu 20. But in general - if there is no binary package for your platform, you need to compile ROOT from source as described here
Did you download full file?
That is result of sha256sum root_v6.22.02.Linux-ubuntu20-x86_64-gcc9.3.tar.gz for you?
Should be: b1d12816a6e551e8b91b27d5a89685fcb8bb157ab1f5c066b9d6a2acb4d86b33
How you unpack file?
Ok, so I deleted and re-downloaded root_v6.22.02.Linux-ubuntu20-x86_64-gcc9.3.tar.gz using the same method as before (wget, tar, source), but the first problem still persists when writing root in the terminal:
Fatal in TROOT::InitInterpreter: cannot load library libtinfo.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Is there anything else I can do? Maybe another version I can try?
Thank you for your help so far.
I already tried installing the Ubuntu 18 version, but I had the same problem. Now, I’m trying to install ROOT from the source, as @linev proposed, but I’m having a different problem, as I mention in this post.