Problem with strange result

Dear Rooters,

I used my code to calculate a value. (in main sub procedure)

cout<<LD(Ex-Eg)<<endl; // result is 2
cout<<F(Eg)<<endl; // result is 63.729
cout<<LD(Ex-Eg)*F(Eg)<<endl; //result must be 127.4 but my root give me value: 6.27e-322;

What wrong with my program? I used root 5.34/32 on window 7 64 bit.

Thank you very much,
oslo.C (1.58 KB)


It looks like a limitation of the interpreter. Use temporary variables (as you did) or use ACLiC

Cheers, Bertrand.

Dear Bellenot,

Could you please explain me more detail. In the future, my code will be bigger so it is very difficult to check if this problem happens.

Using temporatory variable can solve this problem in this case, but that mean I can never trust on any calculation in Root!!!

Thank you so much,

I would advise to always use ACLiC anyway for several reasons: The compiler checks the validity of the code, it solves several limitations of the interpreter, it may prevent this kind of error, and it runs faster…

Cheers, Bertrand.

This is indeed a shocking serious bug in CINT (i.e. in ROOT 5).
Sometimes, the statement “if (E-Umin<=0) return 2;”, in the “double LD(double E)” function, instead of returning a “double precision” 2.0, returns an “integer” value 2 (or some another trash value).
In your case, you can overcome this bug using: [code]#include

double C = 1.e-2;

double LD(double E)
double a = 17.;
double Umin = 9. / (4. * a);
double U = E - Umin;
if (U > 0.0) return C * std::pow(U, -3./2.) * std::exp(2. * std::sqrt(a * U));
return 2.0;

double F(double E)
if (E > 0.0) return C * std::pow(E, 4.2);
return 0.0;


It is a terrible bug, but we don’t have the resources to keep both ROOT 6 and ROOT 5 properly maintained. For our Windows users that is extremely painful - but the right reaction is to accelerate the porting of ROOT 6, and that’s what we do.

Cheers, Axel

Dear Axel,

Thank you very much for your answer. I used window therefore I cannot update to ROOT 6 at this moment.

I try to compile my code with ACLiC as Bellenot proposed. (.L oslo.C+) but I get error:

[quote]Info in TWinNTSystem::ACLiC: creating shared library D:\OneDrive\Espace de travail\00 - Duy Tan 2017\oslo method\oslo-
’cl.exe’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Error: external preprocessing failed. (0)
!!!Removing D:\OneDrive\Espace de travail\00 - Duy Tan 2017\oslo method\oslo-test\oslo_C_ACLiC_dict.cxx D:\OneDrive\Espa
ce de travail\00 - Duy Tan 2017\oslo method\oslo-test\oslo_C_ACLiC_dict.h !!!
Error: C:\root_v5.34.32\bin\rootcint: error loading headers…
Error in : Dictionary generation failed!
Info in : Invoking compiler to check macro’s validity[/quote]

Could you please show me how to solve my problem. I install root from installation file that I download on Root website.

Thank you very much,


Do you have Visual Studio installed on your machine? You need it to use ACLiC (to compile your code). If not, you have two options: Install it (the same version that the one used to build ROOT), or fix your code as Pepe Le Pew proposed.

Cheers, Bertrand.

Thank you Bellenot,

Can I used VC13 instead of VC12 which is the same version as the one used to build root?

I found this information:
execute, prior to running root, the vsvars32.bat command (for visual studio)

But the last time, I only have VC15, therefore I can not find vsvars32.bat as the guide said. Now I’m trying with VC13. it is possible ? or I need to download exactly VC12?


You need exactly Visual Studio 2012 or Visual Studio 2013 (corresponding to vc11/vc12) and you cannot mix versions, meaning you can take any of those, but then use ROOT built with the exact same version…

Thank Bellenot,


I installed Visual Studio 13.
and root installer is: root_v5.34.32.win32.vc12.exe

Therefore, what I use is correct, right?

Thank you so much,

[quote=“ngocanh8999”]I installed Visual Studio 13.
and root installer is: root_v5.34.32.win32.vc12.exe

Therefore, what I use is correct, right?[/quote]
If you mean “Visual Studio 2013”, then yes
BTW, why not the latest version (root_v5.34.36.win32.vc12.exe)?

Dear Bellenot,

I can compile using ACLiC now, but there is a lot of errors. It seems that code run with interpreter must be changed a lot to compile with ACLiC, right?

[quote]D:\OneDrive\Espace de travail\00 - Duy Tan 2017\Igg\igg.C(13) : error C2065: ‘Emin’ : undeclared identifier
D:\OneDrive\Espace de travail\00 - Duy Tan 2017\Igg\igg.C(14) : error C2065: ‘Emax’ : undeclared identifier
D:\OneDrive\Espace de travail\00 - Duy Tan 2017\Igg\igg.C(15) : error C2065: ‘TH1D’ : undeclared identifier
D:\OneDrive\Espace de travail\00 - Duy Tan 2017\Igg\igg.C(15) : error C2065: ‘I_exp’ : undeclared identifier
D:\OneDrive\Espace de travail\00 - Duy Tan 2017\Igg\igg.C(15) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier ‘TH1D’
D:\OneDrive\Espace de travail\00 - Duy Tan 2017\Igg\igg.C(29) : error C2065: ‘I_exp’ : undeclared identifier
D:\OneDrive\Espace de travail\00 - Duy Tan 2017\Igg\igg.C(29) : error C2227: left of ‘->SetBinContent’ must point to cla
ss/struct/union/generic type
type is ‘unknown-type’
D:\OneDrive\Espace de travail\00 - Duy Tan 2017\Igg\igg.C(29) : error C2227: left of ‘->GetXaxis’ must point to class/st
ruct/union/generic type
type is ‘unknown-type’
D:\OneDrive\Espace de travail\00 - Duy Tan 2017\Igg\igg.C(29) : error C2227: left of ‘->FindBin’ must point to class/str
uct/union/generic type
D:\OneDrive\Espace de travail\00 - Duy Tan 2017\Igg\igg.C(29) : error C2227: left of ‘->GetBinContent’ must point to cla
ss/struct/union/generic type
type is ‘unknown-type’
D:\OneDrive\Espace de travail\00 - Duy Tan 2017\Igg\igg.C(30) : error C2065: ‘I_exp’ : undeclared identifier
D:\OneDrive\Espace de travail\00 - Duy Tan 2017\Igg\igg.C(30) : error C2227: left of ‘->SetBinError’ must point to class
/struct/union/generic type
type is ‘unknown-type’
D:\OneDrive\Espace de travail\00 - Duy Tan 2017\Igg\igg.C(30) : error C2227: left of ‘->GetXaxis’ must point to class/st
ruct/union/generic type
type is ‘unknown-type’
D:\OneDrive\Espace de travail\00 - Duy Tan 2017\Igg\igg.C(30) : error C2227: left of ‘->FindBin’ must point to class/str
uct/union/generic type
D:\OneDrive\Espace de travail\00 - Duy Tan 2017\Igg\igg.C(30) : error C2227: left of ‘->GetBinError’ must point to class
/struct/union/generic type
type is ‘unknown-type’
D:\OneDrive\Espace de travail\00 - Duy Tan 2017\Igg\igg.C(33) : error C2065: ‘I_exp’ : undeclared identifier
D:\OneDrive\Espace de travail\00 - Duy Tan 2017\Igg\igg.C(33) : error C2227: left of ‘->Draw’ must point to class/struct
/union/generic type
type is ‘unknown-type’
D:\OneDrive\Espace de travail\00 - Duy Tan 2017\Igg\igg.C(34) : error C2065: ‘I_exp’ : undeclared identifier
D:\OneDrive\Espace de travail\00 - Duy Tan 2017\Igg\igg.C(34) : error C2227: left of ‘->Draw’ must point to class/struct
/union/generic type
type is ‘unknown-type’
Error in : Compilation failed![/quote]

Thank you very much,
igg.C (1.08 KB)

[quote=“bellenot”][quote=“ngocanh8999”]I installed Visual Studio 13.
and root installer is: root_v5.34.32.win32.vc12.exe

Therefore, what I use is correct, right?[/quote]
If you mean “Visual Studio 2013”, then yes
BTW, why not the latest version (root_v5.34.36.win32.vc12.exe)?[/quote]

For your question, I tried the newest root v5 few years ago, but it has a lot of crashes on my computer that I cannot understand, while everything work well with my current root version, therefor I still use it even it is not the newest version.

Thank you,

You have to declare your variables, and include the necessary headers, like in any C++ code…
igg.C (1.13 KB)

Hi Bellenot,

Every time when I restart my computer, I have to re-run vsvars32.bat. If not, the error “cl.exe is not …” happens.

I would like to ask you if there is any way to run it one time and use forever.

Thank you Bellenot.

I have another question that if Root can fit a function of about 100 parameters?


You can add the relevant environment variables to your system, see e.g. for how to do it. The relevant variables are at least PATH, INCLUDE and LIB. You can get the values by starting a Visual Studio command prompt and echoing their values.

Yes ROOT can fit a function of 100 parameters just fine. I have rarely ever seen a good case for this, though. And initializing the parameters is a work of art. I.e. are you really sure this is what you need?

Cheers, Axel.


Could you please help me for this error?

root [4] .L igg.C+
Info in TWinNTSystem::ACLiC: creating shared library D:\OneDrive\Espace de travail\00 - Duy Tan 2017\Igg\igg_C.dll
D:\OneDrive\Espace de travail\00 - Duy Tan 2017\Igg\igg.C(105) : error C2664: ‘Double_t fRSF(Double_t *,Double_t *)’ : c
annot convert argument 1 from ‘Double_t’ to ‘Double_t *’
D:\OneDrive\Espace de travail\00 - Duy Tan 2017\Igg\igg.C(105) : error C2664: ‘Double_t fLD(Double_t *,Double_t *)’ : ca
nnot convert argument 1 from ‘Double_t’ to ‘Double_t *’
D:\OneDrive\Espace de travail\00 - Duy Tan 2017\Igg\igg.C(111) : error C2664: ‘Double_t fRSF(Double_t *,Double_t *)’ : c
annot convert argument 1 from ‘Double_t’ to ‘Double_t *’
D:\OneDrive\Espace de travail\00 - Duy Tan 2017\Igg\igg.C(111) : error C2664: ‘Double_t fLD(Double_t *,Double_t *)’ : ca
nnot convert argument 1 from ‘Double_t’ to ‘Double_t *’
D:\OneDrive\Espace de travail\00 - Duy Tan 2017\Igg\igg.C(112) : error C2664: ‘Double_t fLD(Double_t *,Double_t *)’ : ca
nnot convert argument 1 from ‘Double_t’ to ‘Double_t *’
Error in : Compilation failed!

I always do like this when I tried to fit with custom function, but this time, this errors happens.

Thank you very much, (78.8 KB)


As the error message says, your fLD and fRSF functions expect pointers to array of doubles as parameters, so you cannot pass simple double values…

[code]Double_t fLD(Double_t *x, Double_t *par)
Double_t tmp = par[LD->GetXaxis()->FindBin(x[0])-1];
return tmp;

Double_t fRSF(Double_t *x, Double_t *par)
Double_t tmp = par[RSF->GetXaxis()->FindBin(x[0])-1];
return tmp;
Cheers, Bertrand.


As the error message says, your fLD and fRSF functions expect pointers to array of doubles as parameters, so you cannot pass simple double values…

[code]Double_t fLD(Double_t *x, Double_t *par)
Double_t tmp = par[LD->GetXaxis()->FindBin(x[0])-1];
return tmp;

Double_t fRSF(Double_t *x, Double_t *par)
Double_t tmp = par[RSF->GetXaxis()->FindBin(x[0])-1];
return tmp;
Cheers, Bertrand.[/quote]


Could you please propose me a solution to fix it? I don’t understand. My idea is to convert LD histogram to fLD, where as if x in the range of bin i, the value of fLD function will be Bin Content i of LD histogram. My way is to put LD bin content (i) to parameter(i) of the fLD.

Thank you,