Problem with root installation (gmake: *** [Makefile:156: all] Error 2)

Hello everyone,
These are my first steps in Root and I have a problem with the installation. After using cmake --build . – -j8 the program compiles up to 28-32% and then it stops and marks:
gmake: *** [Makefile:156: all] Error 2.
Do you have any advice? Thank you so much

ROOT Version: 6.28.06

Dear @FcoNestor ,

Before addressing your problem, let me strongly suggest you do not try to build ROOT. There are much easier installation options at Installing ROOT - ROOT depending on your platform.

Coming back to your post,

gmake: *** [Makefile:156: all] Error 2.

This is not the real error, you should look for some other error statements in your terminal output, maybe there’s some missing library or wrong dependency installed on your system.
