Dear ROOTers,
I’m having an issue trying to load a GDML geometry in Eve. The geometry in question is a semplification of a silicon microstrip layer composed of two nested replicas (a laddder is made up by replicated silicon pads, and the layer is made up by replicated ladders).
When I import it in Eve the resulting TGeometry only reaches the first replicated volumes (I see only ladders and no sensors).
If I load up a TGeometry version of the same geometry everything is fine and all volumes are present.
If I load the GDML geometry in the GEANT4 native visualization tool everything is fine and all volumes are present.
I’m placing both version of the same geometry here:
/afs/ /afs/
I suspect something amiss in the GDML-to-TGeo conversion that is internally happening. Any idea where the problem might be?
ROOT Version: 6.14.04
Platform: Darwin
Compiler: Apple LLVM version 10.0.0 (clang-1000.11.45.5)