Problem with merging of root files

Dear All,
I, have problem with the merging of root files by hadd . when my target file is less than 300 MB it works but when my target file goes beyond 300MB it does not work. Please help me to sort it out.

Mohammad Asif Bhat

Hi @mobhat,
hadd should have no problems with merging file sizes less than 100GB, and even then it’s just a matter of some slight modifications to your code.
If you are still finding issues, please tell us the ROOT version and OS you are using, plus the full error you are getting.

Dear Vincenzo,
I am using aliroot and the root version is 6.16/00 and the OS is Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS. It is not showing any error but it does not go beyond this “hadd Target file: ResultQA_final.root
hadd compression setting for all ouput: 1
hadd Source file 1: ResultQA_10runs.root
hadd Source file 2: ResultQA_10runs_01.root
hadd Source file 3: ResultQA_8runs.root
hadd Target path: ResultQA_final.root:/” and remains as it is.

Mohammad Asif Bhat

Hi @mobhat,

It is not showing any error but it does not go beyond this

Do you mean the output file is empty? Or maybe that the process gets stuck and you need to forcedly stop it?
I would first try to reproduce your issue on lxplus and then contact the AliROOT experts as well.

Dear Vincenzo,
Do you mean the output file is empty? Or maybe that the process gets stuck and you need to forcedly stop it?
Yes same is happening

This is (of course) surprising. Can you provide a running example/set-of-files so that we try reproducing it?

alternatively can you run (note the -fk )

hadd -fk ResultQA_final.root ResultQA_10runs.root ResultQA_10runs_01.root ResultQA_8runs.root

and (note the -f )

valgrind --suppressions=$ROOTSYS/etc/valgrind-root.supp hadd -f ResultQA_final.root ResultQA_10runs.root ResultQA_10runs_01.root ResultQA_8runs.root


Dear Philippe,
I, have tried the command you suggested but it is not working . I can not attach here the rootfiles as size is very large.

Mohammad Asif Bhat

What do you mean by “not working”? The -fk might have the same crash of the original but the valgrind should provide additional information about why it is crashing.

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