Problem with max number of TRef per ProcessID

Dear experts,

I am facing an issue with the usage of TRef, which is reproduced in the example reported in the attached code. I know that there is a maximum number of TRef per processID. If I try to create another TRef after passing this limit the ProcessID gets changed but in the TRef I create the old one is used, which of course creates an error since the wrong object gets referenced. I am wondering whether this is a bug or the expected feature, which would imply that the max number of TRef per ProcessID corresponds to the max number of TRef in a session and one must be aware and careful to do not overcome that limit.

I am using root v5-34-30.

Best regards,
QuickTest.C (1.35 KB)


Indeed there was a problem in creating the TRef (TRefArray should already be okay).

I have fixed the problem in the master, v5.34, v6.04 and v6.06 patch branches.


Hi Philippe,
thanks a lot!
I checked on the master and it works.
Best regards,