Problem with hadd

Hello experts,

I would like to hadd the following two files together,



hadd tree.root /mnt/hadoop/cms/store/user/luck/L1Emulator/minbiasForest/0.root /mnt/hadoop/cms/store/user/luck/L1Emulator/minbiasForest/10.root

where there is a space inbetween the second and third files

However I get the following error

hadd Target file: tree.root
SysError in TFile::WriteBuffer: error writing to file tree.root (-1) (Operation not supported)
hadd Source file 1: /mnt/hadoop/cms/store/user/luck/L1Emulator/minbiasForest/0.root
hadd Source file 2: /mnt/hadoop/cms/store/user/luck/L1Emulator/minbiasForest/10.root
hadd Target path: tree.root:/
hadd Target path: tree.root:/hltanalysis
Warning in TTree::CopyEntries: The output TTree (HltTree) must be associated with a writable directory (hltanalysis in tree.root).
Error in TTree::CloneTTree: TTree has not been cloned

Error in TDirectoryFile::Read: Key not found
Warning in TTree::CopyEntries: The output TTree (HltTree) must be associated with a writable directory (hltanalysis in /mnt/hadoop/cms/store/user/luck/L1Emulator/minbiasForest/0.root).
Error in TFileMerger::Merge: error during merge of your ROOT files

Please help!


Hi Michael,

are the files too big to post a reproducer? Which version of ROOT are you using? Is it shipped with a CMSSW version?



Turns out I was in a directory at MIT that did not allow me to hadd together trees and store the resulting tree in that directory. I switched to a different directory and it works. In any case, thanks for your help :smiley: .
