Problem with fstream library

Hello everyone.

I have a problem with the fstream library in C++ when I try to use it in a ROOT macro. This is what I’m trying to do.
I have a file (call it F1) with 4 data columns. I 'm trying to read those columns in order to run a simulation. The problem is that ROOT doesn’t seem to find the fstream library and is therefore unable to run my simulation. Any advice? I am leaving my code below.
Thanks in advance.

void Integrated_results()
    int Nevents = 1000000;
    std::vector <long double> Energy;        // vector to store a nucleus energy
    std::vector <long double> Charge;        // vector to store a nucleus charge
    std::vector <long double> Mass;            // vector to store a nucleus mass
    std::vector <long double> Redshift;        // vector to store a nucleus redshift
    long double Ee;
    long double Q;
    long double M;
    long double Z;

    long double c = 3.06562/pow(10, 7);     // Lights speed in MPc/yr
    float Bamp = 20;                         // Turbulent magnetic field amplitude in nG
    float Lcoh = 0.25;                         // Coherence lenght in MPc
    //int zz = 1;                             // Electric Charge of the particle //Now rendered useless due to a code update
    float Ec0;                                 // Critical Energy
    long double Ho = 7.2/pow(10., 11);         // Hubble's constant
    long double Omegam = 0.3;                 // Matter density of the Universe
    long double Omegade = 1.-Omegam;         // Dark energy density of the Universe
    float ai = 0.9, al = 0.23, rmk = 5./3.; // Parameters for the Kolmogorov B spectrum
    int m = 1;                                 // Index that considers MHD energy losses
    long double ld, h;                         // h represents both the step in time and space
    long double dz = -0.0000001;                // step in redshift
    long double dx;
    //int i=0;
    long double y[7];     // Components 0, 1 & 2 represent the speed of the
                        // particle. Components 3, 4 & 5 represent the position
                        // Given that particles are always in the ultrarelativistic
                        // limit, their speed will be assumed
                        // to equal that of light. c=1
    long double a;

    std::string line;
    std::ifstream g, l;
    std::ofstream f;"/home/oscar/Desktop/Propagation in both things/Density Enhancement/Final conditions 2546C.txt");"/home/oscar/Desktop/Integrated results/Heaviest nucleus 2.txt");"/home/oscar/Desktop/Integrated results/Heaviest nucleus 2.txt");
    //mypros << "Energy (EeV)" <<"    "<<"Dist (Mpc)" <<"    "<<"cospos"<<"    "<<"Electric Charge"    <<"    "<<"Mass"<<"    "<<"Zini"<< '\n';

    for(int i=0; i<Nevents ; i++)
    {std::cout <<i<<'\n';

            std::getline(l, line);
            if (line.empty()) 
                std::getline(l, line); 
            }            // When there is an empty line the event has ended.

            g >> Ee    >> Z >> Q >> M;        // Reads values from the data file
            if(M>0 && Q>0)
                if (Redshift.size() != 0)
                    if (Z !=Redshift[Redshift.size()-1])
                        Energy.push_back (Ee);        // Stores the corresponding value on the corresponding vector
                        Charge.push_back (Q);
                        Mass.push_back (M);
                    Energy.push_back (Ee);        // Stores the corresponding value on the corresponding vector
                    Charge.push_back (Q);
                    Mass.push_back (M);
        Initiatearray (y, Redshift[0]);         // Lays out the initial
                                                //conditions for the UHECRs propagation
        for(unsigned int j=0; j<Redshift.size(); j++)
            long double Zo, Zf;
            if((j) >= (Redshift.size()-1))      
                Zo = Redshift[j];
                Zf = 0;
            else                            // For every other case,
                Zo = Redshift[j];
                Zf = Redshift[j+1];
            Ee = Energy[j];
            a = 1./(1+y[6]);
            Ec0 = 0.935*Bamp*Lcoh*Charge[j]*pow(10,18);
            ld = (Lcoh/(1.+y[6]))*(4.*(Ee/Ec0)*(Ee/Ec0)*pow(1.+y[6], 2*m)*pow(a,2) + \
                ai*Ee/Ec0*pow(1.+y[6], m)*a + \
                al*pow(Ee/Ec0 , 2.-rmk)*pow(a, 2.-rmk)*pow(1.+y[6], m*(2.-rmk)));
            h = ld/10.;
            dx = -c*dz/(Ho*sqrt(Omegam*pow(1+y[6], 3) + Omegade));
            //std::cout << h<<"    "<<dx<<'\n';
            EvolveParticle(y, dx, h, ld, dz, Zo, Zf);
        long double dist;
        long double cospos;
        dist = sqrt(y[3]*y[3]+y[4]*y[4]+y[5]*y[5]);
        cospos = (y[0]*y[3]+y[1]*y[4]+y[2]*y[5])/dist;
        f << (Ee/(1.+Redshift[Redshift.size()-1]))/pow(10,18) <<    "    "    <<dist<<"    "    <<cospos<<    "    "    <<Charge[Charge.size()-1]\
               <<"    "<<Mass[Mass.size()-1]<< "    " <<Redshift[0]<< '\n';

        Energy.clear();            // Empties all vectors in order for them to be ready to read the next event

    g.close(); l.close();

Does the problem go away if you include the header in the beginning of the file (i.e. #include <fstream>)?

BTW, you probably want to use plain double instead of long double, as the latter is a lot slower and you probably don’t need the extra precision it gives.

Yes. It was that. Thanks.