Problem with array of Char_t*


I’m having some problems with arrays of Char_t*. I’m trying to build a TTree with the following structure:

  struct Results_summary_t {
      Char_t side[4][3];

Then I create a branch for the field side:

  Results_summary_t results_summary;
  TFile *f = new TFile("results_summary.root", "RECREATE");
  TTree *tree = new TTree("T_RS","results summary data from ascii file");
  tree -> Branch("Side", results_summary.side, "side[4]/C");

And finally I put the data into the field:

  strcpy(results_summary.side[0], "HV\0");
  strcpy(results_summary.side[2], "HV\0");
  strcpy(results_summary.side[1], "RO\0");
  strcpy(results_summary.side[3], "RO\0");

When I open a root session I get the following:

root [2] T_RS -> Show(0)
======> EVENT:0
 site            = ALU
 serialNumber    = 1
 YPitch          = 26.012,
                  26.013, 26.021, 26.021
 ml              = 1,
                  1, 2, 2
 side            = HV

The other values for side don’t appear.

How could I get this as I expect? I’ve also tried with enumerated types instead of Char_t*. It works, but when you call the method Draw(), for instance, I think only numerical values are allowed:

  enum Side {HV, RO};

  struct Results_summary_t {
      Side side[4];
root[3] T_RS -> Draw("YPitch", "ml == 1 && side == HV")
*ERROR 30 :
 Bad numerical expression : "HV"

Thanks in advance

UseT_RS -> Draw("YPitch", "ml == 1 && side == \"HV\"") without the nested quote, HV woule have to be a branchaname!!
