Problem of Wrong bounding box and Slices from TGeoVoxelFinder


I have converted the full setup from the CAD to GDML file and then I am reading GDML file in the macro using TGeoVolume* gdmlVolume = TGDMLParse().GDMLReadFile(gdmlFileName);

In my case, I have a different assembly which is then added to the top. I am getting some voxelizing errors

Error in TGeoVoxelFinder::SortAll: Volume Station03: Cannot make slices on any axis
Error in TGeoVoxelFinder::SortAll: Wrong bounding box for volume Ladder10
Error in TGeoVoxelFinder::SortAll: Wrong bounding box for volume Ladder11
Error in TGeoVoxelFinder::SortAll: Wrong bounding box for volume Ladder12
Info in TGeoManager::CloseGeometry: Building cache…
Info in TGeoManager::CountLevels: max level = 5, max placements = 8
Info in TGeoManager::CloseGeometry: 30 nodes/ 1528 volume UID’s in FAIR Geometry
Info in TGeoManager::CloseGeometry: ----------------modeler ready----------------
Info in TGeoNodeMatrix::CheckOverlaps: Checking overlaps for TOP and daughters within 0.0001
Error in TGeoTessellated::GetPointsOnSegments: You should require at least 7218 points
Error in TGeoTessellated::GetPointsOnSegments: You should require at least 3800 points
Error in TGeoTessellated::GetPointsOnSegments: You should require at least 7155 points
Error in TGeoTessellated::GetPointsOnSegments: You should require at least 7155 points
Warning in TGeoMatrix::dtor: Registered matrix Identity was removed
Error in TGeoTessellated::GetPointsOnSegments: You should require at least 7155 points
Error in TGeoTessellated::GetPointsOnSegments: You should require at least 7155 points
Warning in TGeoChecker::CheckOverlaps: Volume Station03 with 3 daughters but not voxelized
Check overlaps: [==========] 30 [100.00 %]

I don’t understand why errors it is appearing. Can it be possible due to wrong indexing or the size of the assembly volume is smaller?

Can anyone help? I have my code and gdml files uploaded here in the link:

here in an image, as can be seen, the frame in the black has the problem. (Here I didn’t add any colours it is appearing as default.) So what is the reason that except for the black frame, everything else appears a light brown colour? the frame is defined in line 174 in the macro

            if ((stationName == "Station02" && (nodeName.Contains("V-ED-1039470-P-000_-_mSTS C-Frame Unit 00-2") || nodeName.Contains("V-ED-1040272-P-000_-_mSTS C-Frame Unit 01-329"))) ||
                (stationName == "Station03" && (nodeName.Contains("V-ED-1039513-P-000_-_mSTS C-Frame Unit 02-476") )  /*nodeName.Contains("V-ED-1040238-P-000_-_mSTS C-Frame Unit 03-793") )*/ ) 
                ) {
                addNodeToStationAssembly(stationAssembly, fVol, inode);

@agheata could you please help me?

ROOT Version: 6.26.10
Platform: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS
Compiler: GCC12

These are symptoms of the geometry not being closed. To add a volume in this way, you need to do it in a geometry that is not yet closed, and then call gGeoManager->CloseGeometry()

@agheata Thanks a lot for your comment :smile:

Now all looks good!!

and the volume looks

Previously, I was wrongly adding volumes to the assembly with the wrong nodes.

@agheata but, do you have any idea what could be the reason for such messages as shown below?

@bellenot could you please help me understand the messages like Tile degenerated 2: The length of the sides of the facet are too small.)? What is the reason behind this message of Tile degenerated? is there anything to worry about it or… ? That information is probably also stored in the .root file by default. if you open the .root file attached and click on the FairGeom top directory it will print those messages.

test_24a.geo.root (2.3 MB)

Why do you ask me? I have no clue, @agheata is our geometry expert