Hi, I am a very beginner of ROOT. I want to import gdml into ROOT.
Our detector has four sub detectors, so I write four child gdml files of every sub detector and invoke them in mother gdml. But when I import mother gdml into ROOT, the volume of child vdml does not display.
When I run the vis program, it appears:
Processing rootVis.C…
Info in TGeoManager::TGeoManager: Geometry World, My geometry created
Info in TGeoManager::Import: Reading geometry from file: ./DAMPE.gdml
Info in TGeoManager::TGeoManager: Geometry GDMLImport, Geometry imported from GDML created
Error in TGeoVolume::AddNode: Volume is NULL
Error in TGeoVolume::AddNode: Volume is NULL
Error in TGeoVolume::AddNode: Volume is NULL
Error in TGeoVolume::AddNode: Volume is NULL
Info in TGeoManager::SetTopVolume: Top volume is World. Master volume is World
Four child gdmls show “Volume is NULL”. If I import only one child gdml, it works. I don’t know what’s wrong with it because I import these gdmls into Geant4 without any problem, or ROOT does not support reading child gdml?
Can anyone help me? Thank you very much!