Problem loading some libraries

I compiled and installed the version 5.18 and i have a small problem. I want to install Geant3 and then AliROOT and for that i need the geometry libraries from ROOT. The problem is that at compile/link time for geant3 it seems that the is not visible although the root library path is in PATH variable. The error is listed bellow:
TGeant3/TGeant3TGeo.cxx: In member function virtual void TGeant3TGeo::Gprotm(Int_t)': TGeant3/TGeant3TGeo.cxx:1600: error: invalid use of undefined typestruct TGeoMatrix’
/mn/tid/kjerne-s1/ionutca/root/include/TGeoShape.h:22: error: forward declaration of struct TGeoMatrix' TGeant3/TGeant3TGeo.cxx:1601: error: invalid use of undefined typestruct TGeoMatrix’
/mn/tid/kjerne-s1/ionutca/root/include/TGeoShape.h:22: error: forward declaration of `struct TGeoMatrix’
make: *** [tgt_linux/TGeant3/TGeant3TGeo.o] Error 1

  I tried to see if root loads the TGeoMatrix class in cint. And it doesn't. The usual/common libraries of root are loaded, but not this one (and posibbly others). I loaded manually the with gSystem->Load() and then all was fine.

[quote]TGeant3/TGeant3TGeo.cxx:1600: error: invalid use of undefined type `struct TGeoMatrix’ [/quote]This means that you need to include the header file TGeoMatrix.h
This header may have been included in older version of ROOT via another header file. In 5.16 and 5.18 we improved the decoupling (dependency) between headers, sometimes requiring the user code to be enhanced by specifying more explicitly the needed headers.


Just move to the latest version of G3.


 Problem solved. Thanks :slight_smile: