Problem installing root 6.06/02 on ubuntu 14.04 LTS

I have installed root 6.06/02 on ubuntu 14.04. It works fine. But I have to build root again every time i open a new terminal window.
i.e. repeat the following procedure

cd root-6.06.02
source bin/

please help

You do not need to install it every time. Just type the last line, in every new terminal:

source /home/youruser/root-6.06.02/bin/

To automatically run this line in every terminal, add the line above at the end of your file ~/.bashrc

Also, you should try cmake instead of ./configure

didn’t understand , add the line above at the end of [quote] your file ~/.bashrc [/quote]

Go to your home folder

cd $HOME


cd ~

or just


Then open with a text editor a hidden file called “.bashrc”

nano .bashrc

Add the following line within this file:

source /home/youruser/root-6.06.02/bin/