Problem in using more number of root files

Dear Experts,

I am calculating reconstruction efficiency for my analysis by using fitter code. I am running the fitter code on montecarlo AOD ntuples. I have three sets of MC aod ntuples (phimumu, jpsiphi and psi’phi). When I am running fitter over phimumu mc, it is giving reconstruction efficiency nonzero, but when I am running over all three mc , it is giving zero reconstruction efficiency. Is there any limit on entries we can run in root?


ROOT itself doesn’t set a limit. It might be due to your counting variables, or in general the way you calculate the efficiency,

Hi Axel,

Is there any limit on “ch->GetEntries()”?


GetEntries return a 64 bit integer, so at the moment there is no practical limit. (If you are using TTree::Draw and TTree;:GetX,Y or Z you may be running into the ‘estimate’ limit, in which case you ought to first call tree->SetEstimate(tree->GetEntries()))

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