Problem for execute Root version 4

Hello for all.

I have a problem with a shared library and Root version 4.04.02.

I use Fedora Core 3, and I download the source of Root. After download, I unpack the file with:

$ tar -xzvf root_v4.04.02.etc.etc.etc.tar.gz

After to do this, changed for new directory and type:

$ su

./configure --prefix=/usr/local


make install

But, if I type (as root or as user)

$ root

I see the follow error message:

[root@localhost lib]# root
/usr/local/bin/root.exe: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

However. the library exists in /usr/local/lib/root. that was created by compilation/installation process.

The curious is tha I type root on terminal, show the root’s splash, but that is all.

Anybody can halp-me?


Marco Pacheco

Hi Marco,

I think your problem comes from the fact that the dynamic loader is not aware of the new libraries.
Try adding /usr/local/lib/root to the list in /etc/ and run ‘/sbin/ldconfig -v’ as root.

Hope it helps,

Gerri Ganis

Thanks for help-me.

I followed your tips and the problem was solved.

Marco Pacheco