Problem filling struct into a branch


I observe some weired behaviour of the values filled into a branch with the following example macro:

(ROOT version 4.04/02b, but also observed with 5.13/03)

struct p{
int var1;
double var2;
float var3;
float var4;

p myp;

TFile fout(“outfile.root”,“RECREATE”);

TTree *mytree = new TTree(“MyTree”,"");
mytree->Branch(“mybranch”, &myp.var1, “var1/I:var2/D:var3/F:var4/F”);

double xmin = 0.;
double xmax = 50.;

for(int i=0; i<10000; i++){
myp.var1 = int(gRandom->Uniform(xmin,xmax));
myp.var2 = double(gRandom->Uniform(xmin,xmax));
myp.var3 = float(gRandom->Uniform(xmin,xmax));
myp.var4 = float(gRandom->Uniform(xmin,xmax));


The macro fills four variables of different types with uniform random numbers between 0 and 50. The variables are combined into a struct, and a new TTree is defined to hold the struct in a branch. When I look at the produced file 'outfile.root; using TBrowser, the variable var2 cannot be plotted, the error message is

[quote]root [2] TCanvas::MakeDefCanvas: created default TCanvas with name c1
Error in TCanvas::Range: illegal world coordinates range: x1=0.000000, y1=-1.506184, x2=-0.000000, y2=1.395132
Error in TCanvas::RangeAxis: illegal axis coordinates range: xmin=0.000000, ymin=-1.100000, xmax=0.000000, ymax=1.105000

var3 is completely screwed up (should be flat between 0 and 50):

var4 looks ok again.

The problem also becomes obvious when doing TTree::Scan:


  • Row * mybranch. * mybranch. * mybranch. * mybranch. *

  •    1 *        14 * -1.4e-154 * 2.0043783 * 7.6061248 *
  •    2 *        23 * -9.36e-97 * 2.9543454 * 47.021991 *
  •    3 *        41 * 9.12e+192 * 2.7318656 * 23.534059 *
  •    4 *        48 * 6.805e+38 * 2.6498429 * 36.390750 *
  •    5 *         9 * -1.4e-154 * 2.9136180 * 14.843821 *
  •    6 *        10 * 9.12e+192 * 2.9103162 * 19.100553 *
  •    7 *        12 * -1.08e-19 * 2.9776959 * 15.885233 *
  •    8 *         8 * -4.02e-87 * 3.0021505 * 22.360097 *
  •    9 *        37 * 1.368e-48 * 3.0241553 * 12.155580 *
  •   10 *        48 * -4.9e+173 * 2.8015725 * 27.259946 *


If I change the order of the types to something else in all necessary places, for example from int/double/float/float to int/float/float/double, then things are ok. So the behaviour is rather unpredictable.

I suspect that I stepped into the trap described on page 187 of the user guide (“Adding a Branch to Hold a List of Variables”), which says that one should not use structures with elements of different length.

If I create one branch for each element of a type, things seem to be ok:

mytree->Branch("mybranch1", &myp.var1, "var1/I");
mytree->Branch("mybranch2", &myp.var2, "var2/D");
mytree->Branch("mybranch34", &myp.var3, "var3/F:var4/F");

but this is rather ugly. In my real example, I want to store 50 quantities in a struct that describes a particle. Is there no way to store a list of variables of different types into a single branch?

In the case of the example macro, the values filled into var2 are obviously wrong, but since the behaviour seems to be unpredicatble, I suspect that the result can also be wrong in a more subtle way, and it might go unnoticed by the user for a long time.

So, since it is dangerous to declare branches in this way, wouldn’t it be good to add some protection inside of ROOT to prevent a user from declaring branches with elements of different types?

Thank you,

We keep repeating this again and again.
Do not store in the same branch variables of different sizes.
Use a class instead. ROOT will automatically split your class members
into branches.


Hello Rene,

Thanks for your answer. I will try to rewrite the struct as a class.

Since this seems to come up frequently, I wonder if it wouldn’t be useful to add some protection in ROOT, for example, issueing a warning if a user defines a branch with elements of different types.

Thank you,