Problem copying TDirectory

Hello, with the file attached I have the following problem:

import ROOT
f = ROOT.TFile("egammaEnergyCorrectionData.root", "update")
scales = f.Get("Scales")
es2012c = f.Scales.Get("es2012c")

I get

TDirectoryFile*		es2012c	es2012c
 KEY: TH1F	alphaZee_L1Scaled_errStat;1	
 KEY: TH1D	alphaPS_uncor;1	PS scale - b12 raw, total error
 KEY: TH1D	dalphaPS_cor;1	PS scale - b12 raw, LAr error 
 KEY: TH1D	alphaS12_uncor;1	hE1E2ave
 KEY: TH1D	dalphaS12_cor;1	hCalibSym
 KEY: TH1D	momentum_errSyst;1	
 KEY: TH1D	alphaZee_errSyst;1	2012 scales vs eta, no weights for Powheg+Pythia8 MC
 KEY: TH1D	alphaZee_errStat;1	2012 scales vs eta, no weights for Powheg+Pythia8 MC


es2012c.ReadAll()      # not documented function

and I get

TDirectoryFile*		es2015_day0	es2015_day0
 KEY: TH1F	h_scale;1	
 KEY: TH1D	alphaPSmod_b12Hist_errTot;1	PS scale - b12 raw, total error
 KEY: TH1D	alphaPSmod_b12Hist_errLAr;1	PS scale - b12 raw, LAr error 
 KEY: TH1D	hE1E2ave;1	hE1E2ave
 KEY: TH1D	hCalibSym;1	hCalibSym
 KEY: TH1D	h_alphas;1	
 KEY: TH1D	hScalesFull;2	2012 scales vs eta, no weights for Powheg+Pythia8 MC
 KEY: TH1D	hScalesFull;1	2012 scales vs eta, no weights for Powheg+Pythia8 MC

the content of the histogram is ok (and also their title), but the names are wrong.

Is there an easier way to copy a TDirectory?
egammaEnergyCorrectionData.root (372 KB)