Problem compiling C code on lxplus


I recently ran into a problem compiling my C++ macro on lxplus.
My code contains classes from RooFit. I use:

g++ -o exe_file my_source_code -lRooFitCore -lRooFit -lRooStats `root-config --cflags --libs`

to compile the code, but I get error like:

SourceCode/egamma_fit.C:15:10: fatal error: RooFit.h: No such file or directory
   15 | #include "RooFit.h"
      |          ^~~~~~~~~~
Plugin/RooCMSShape.h:4:10: fatal error: RooAbsPdf.h: No such file or directory
    4 | #include "RooAbsPdf.h"
      |          ^~~~~~~~~~~~~

This just happened recently, as I was able to compile the code normally a week ago.

I also tried to setup root with the command line found on the ROOT website, but I also get error:

$ source /cvmfs/
-bash: /cvmfs/ No such file or directory

Is there anything I can do to fix this? Thank you very much.


ROOT Version: 6.30.00
Platform: lxplus
Compiler: g++

Hi @LongHoa!

Lxplus was changing it’s default from CentOS 7 to Alma 9 on December 7, that’s why you have these problems. If you want a quick solution, just connect to lxplus7, which still points to CentOS 7 machines. However, they will be gradually phased out, so it would be good if you figure out how to make your code work with the new alma9 environment.

I also tried to setup root with the command line found on the ROOT website, but I also get error:

Where did you get this command on the ROOT website? If I look at the release page for 6.30.02, the path to the alma 9 build is different:


So if you do this, it should work!

source /cvmfs/

As for the problem with the RooFit header files not being found in the default ROOT distribution on lxplus9, I can reproduce this problem. The headers are indeed missing in /usr/linclude/root. I will open a ticket with CERN IT to figure out what is going on.

In the meantime, using lxplus7 or ROOT 6.30.02 sourced in the way I showed above will solve your problem!


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Thank you very much, I try sourcing version 6.30.02 as you suggest and it works.
I was using the command shown here, but I guess there is typo.

Hi Jonas,

I just want to update that the 6.30.02 build sourcing from /cvmfs doesn’t work either. The code was compiled, but it gave me error when using RooFFTConvPdf.

[#0] FATAL:Eval -- RooFFTConvPdf::fillCacheSlice(sig-modelCannot get a handle to fftw. Maybe ROOT was built without it?

switching back to CentOS7 works well.

I was using the command shown here, but I guess there is typo.

Thanks! I fixed the typo there, the link should be correct soon.

About the RooFFTConvPdf problem with the standalone: it will be resolved in 6.30.02 (see this PR on GitHub).

Alternatively, if you use the LCG stack without the typo in the path:

source /cvmfs/

You get a ROOT version that was built with -Dfftw3=ON, meaning the RooFFTConvPdf already works with all ROOT versions, also the new ones from the 6.30 family.

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Hi Jonas,
Thank you very much for taking care of the issue!

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