Problem Cloning THnSparse

_ROOT Version:_6.19/01
_Compiler:_gcc version 8.3.1 20190223 (Red Hat 8.3.1-2) (GCC)

I am trying to clone a THnSparse as follows:

root [0] .L 
root [1] openF("2.root");
root [2] .ls
TFile**		2.root	
 TFile*		2.root	
  KEY: THnSparseT<TArrayF>	ggTD_2;1	sparse3D
root [3] THnSparse *sparse3Dn = (THnSparseF*)gROOT->FindObject("ggTD_2")->Clone();
root [4] sparse3Dn->SetName("ggTD_1");
root [5] .ls
TFile**		2.root	
 TFile*		2.root	
  KEY: THnSparseT<TArrayF>	ggTD_2;1	sparse3D
root [6] 

But, as you can see there is no ggTD_1 which is the copy of original ggTD_2. Am I doing some silly mistake? Please note that, openF("2.root") above opens 2.root in “UPDATE” mode.



you have to write the new THnSparse into the file explicitly.

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