I have some troubles using python and RDataFrame. Here a simple example:
import ROOT
def fill_tree(treeName, fileName):
df = ROOT.RDataFrame(50)
df.Define("b1", "(double) rdfentry_")\
.Define("b2", "(int) rdfentry_ * rdfentry_").Snapshot(treeName, fileName)
fileName = 'test.root'
treeName = 'myTree'
fill_tree(treeName, fileName)
d = ROOT.RDataFrame(treeName, fileName)
class FoldedBinner{
FoldedBinner(const TAxis& axis1, const TAxis& axis2)
: m_axis1(axis1), m_axis2(axis2) { }
int operator()(double x, double y)
const auto bin1 = m_axis1.FindBin(x);
const auto bin2 = m_axis2.FindBin(y);
return bin1 * (m_axis1.GetNbins() + 1) + bin2;
TAxis m_axis1, m_axis2;
FoldedBinner binner_cpp(TAxis(100, 0, 100), TAxis(100, 0, 100));
binner = ROOT.FoldedBinner(ROOT.TAxis(100, 0, 100), ROOT.TAxis(100, 0, 100))
d.Define("folded_cpp", "binner_cpp(b1, b2)")
d.Define("folded", binner, ('b1', 'b2'))
I don’t like the solution in the last but one line, since I need to define the TAxis in the c++ side which is tedious and I need to pass floating point values as strings (I have unregular binning).
I would like to use a lambda with capture instead of a functor but ProcessLine fails.
The last line fails:
TypeError: can not resolve method template call for ‘Define’
Please read tips for efficient and successful posting and posting code
ROOT Version: 6.18/04
Platform: Fedora
Compiler: gcc 9.2.1