Problem building svn trunk on Mac OS X


building a root checked out from the svn this morning on a
MacBook Pro with MacOSX 10.6.3 and gcc 4.2.1 the build stops as indicated
below in the

src/TGLSAFrame.o graf3d/gl/src/TGLSAViewer.o graf3d/gl/src/TGLScaleManip.o graf3d/gl/src/TGLScene.o graf3d/gl/src/TGLSceneBase.o graf3d/gl/src/TGLSceneInfo.o graf3d/gl/src/TGLScenePad.o graf3d/gl/src/TGLSelectBuffer.o graf3d/gl/src/TGLSelectRecord.o graf3d/gl/src/TGLSphere.o graf3d/gl/src/TGLStopwatch.o graf3d/gl/src/TGLSurfacePainter.o graf3d/gl/src/TGLTF3Painter.o graf3d/gl/src/TGLTH3Composition.o graf3d/gl/src/TGLText.o graf3d/gl/src/TGLTransManip.o graf3d/gl/src/TGLUtil.o graf3d/gl/src/TGLViewer.o graf3d/gl/src/TGLViewerBase.o graf3d/gl/src/TGLViewerEditor.o graf3d/gl/src/TGLWidget.o graf3d/gl/src/TH2GL.o graf3d/gl/src/TH3GL.o graf3d/gl/src/TKDEAdapter.o graf3d/gl/src/TKDEFGT.o graf3d/gl/src/TPointSet3DGL.o graf3d/gl/src/TX11GL.o graf3d/gl/src/gl2ps.o graf3d/gl/src/G__GL.o -ldl /opt/local/lib -lftgl -lm -lfreetype -lz -Llib -lGLEW -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lGLU -dylib_file /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.dylib:/usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.dylib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lm
ld: library not found for -lftgl
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [lib/] Error 1
rm core/utils/src/rootcint_tmp.cxx core/utils/src/RStl_tmp.cxx

Is there a “-L” missing in the linker option list before /opt/local/lib?



Can you post the part of the root/config/Makefile.config containing the FTGL settings. Also what is the output of the command:

pkg-config --libs-only-L ftgl

In the meanwhile, you can build ROOT by doing:

./configure --enable-builtin-ftgl

Cheers, Fons.

pkg-config --libs-only-L ftgl

grep -B 2 -A 2 -i ftgl config/Makefile.config ->

DCAPINCDIR := $(filter-out /usr/include, )

FTGLLIBDIR := /opt/local/lib
FTGLLIBS := -lftgl -lm -lfreetype -lz
FTGLINCDIR := $(filter-out /usr/include, /opt/local/include /opt/local/include/FTGL /opt/local/include/freetype2 )
ifeq ($(BUILDFTGL), yes)


I see this issue, I am traveling right now, but will fix it tomorrow.

Cheers, Fons.