Problem at cmake configuration

Hi there,
since I upgraded root to 6.32 a warning is thrown at cmake configuration.

CMake Warning at /usr/share/root/cmake/ROOTConfig-targets.cmake:1582 (message):
  The imported target "ROOT::rootnb.exe" references the file


  but this file does not exist.

  If this target is used you need to install the package that provides this

  file using "dnf install".

  If this target is not used this warning can be ignored.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  /usr/share/root/cmake/ROOTConfig.cmake:113 (include)
  CMakeLists.txt:68 (find_package)

This does not look like a big problem, but still, it’s a little bit annoying. My main concern is about people who will build the code, see the warning and call me to know if that’s really an issue :slight_smile:

Thank you for your tie and consideration.



_ROOT Version: 6.32.06
_Platform: linux x86_64 fedora
_Compiler: g++


Thanks for the post.
How did you configure and what is your fedora version?
Additionally: the latest stable is 6.32.08. Is there a reason why you did not pick that up?


Fedora release 41 (Forty One)
because root is installed from fedora package repositories… :slight_smile:

Hi Olivier,

Thanks for the info. I do not understand exactly then: why are you configuring ROOT with CMake if you installed ROOT via a Fedora package? Sorry if this is obvious…


Because I’m not talking about building root but building a soft with root as a dependency :slight_smile: Here is the line I use in my main cmakelists to include root in my project

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# root cern
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
find_package(ROOT 6 CONFIG REQUIRED)

I’ll investigate and I’ll come back to you

I cannot reproduce the issue. I guess it’s only happening with a system installed ROOT. I’ll need to try on a dedicated VM to see how that can be fixed, and that will take a bit of time (I’m afraid not before the end of next week)

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