Problem accessing histo in root file

Dear All,

I’m trying to access a histogram via a TCanvas that is saved in a root file with the GetPrimitive() function. It keep returning a null-pointer and I have no clue why. When I open the file with a TBrowser I can see that the histogram is a TH2F with the name “BPix_BpO_SEC1_LYR3_LDR1F_MOD1_ROC0” but when I try to get that TH2F with that name it returns nothing. Even more strange, when I “ListPrimitives()” I get back that there is a TH1 on the Canvas, but when I try to get that TH1 and Draw it it is again a null pointer. Maybe someone can help?

So here is my code, the problem appears in the canvasHisto function:

#include <iostream>

#include "TStyle.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TH2.h"
#include "TObject.h"
#include "TString.h"

// This is for analyzing PixelAlive runs taken by the telescope

TString fileName ( int runNo = 100026, bool pixel = false, bool caldel = false) {

	if ( pixel ) return Form ( "PixelAlive_Fed_1_Run_%d.root", runNo ) ;
	else if ( caldel ) return Form ( "CalDel_1_Run_%d.root", runNo ) ;
	//else if ( caldel ) return Form ( "CalDel_1.root" ) ;

}//end TString fileName 

TString rocName ( TString arm = "BpO", int sectionMod = 1, int ladder = 1, int roc = 0 ) {

	return "BPix_" + arm +  Form ( "_SEC%d", sectionMod ) + "_LYR3" + Form ( "_LDR%dF", ladder ) + Form ( "_MOD%d", sectionMod ) + Form ( "_ROC%d", roc ) ;

}//end TString rocName

TString moduleName ( TString arm = "BpO", int sectionMod = 1, int ladder = 1 ) {

	return "BPix_" + arm +  Form ( "_SEC%d", sectionMod ) + "_LYR3" + Form ( "_LDR%dF", ladder ) + Form ( "_MOD%d", sectionMod ) ;

}//end TString moduleName

TString dirName ( int rocNo = 0, TString arm = "BpO", int sectionMod = 1, int ladder = 1, bool pixel = false, bool caldel = false ) {

  TString dir0 = "BPix" ;
  TString dir1 = dir0 + "_" + arm ;
  TString dir2 = dir1 + Form ( "_SEC%d", sectionMod );
  TString dir3 = dir2 + "_LYR3" ;
  TString dir4 = dir3 + Form ( "_LDR%dF", ladder ) ;
  TString dir5 = dir4 + Form ( "_MOD%d", sectionMod ) ;
  TString dir6 = dir5 + Form ( "_ROC%d", rocNo ) ;
	if ( pixel ) return dir0 + "/" + dir1 + "/" + dir2 + "/" + dir3 + "/" + dir4 + "/" + dir5 + "/" + dir6 ; 
	else if ( caldel ) return dir0 + "/" + dir1 + "/" + dir2 + "/" + dir3 + "/" + dir4 + "/" + dir5 + "/" + dir6 + "_c" ; 

}//end TString dirName

TH2F *moduleHisto ( TString arm, int sectionMod = 1, int ladder = 1, bool pixel = false, bool caldel = false ) {

	TString module = moduleName( arm, sectionMod, ladder ) ;

	TH2F *moduleHist = new TH2F ( module, module, 8*52, 0-0.5, 8*52-0.5, 2*80, 0-0.5, 2*80-0.5 ) ;

	  for ( int iRoc = 0; iRoc < 4; iRoc++ ) { 

    	TString directory = dirName ( iRoc, arm, sectionMod, ladder, pixel, caldel ) ; 
    	TH2 *h  = (TH2*)gDirectory -> Get ( directory ) ;

		if ( h==NULL ) {
			std::cout << "Can not access histogram! " << directory.Data() << std::endl ;
			return NULL ;

    int rocX = h -> GetNbinsX ( ) ;
    int rocY = h -> GetNbinsY ( ) ;
    int rocNx = iRoc * rocX, rocNy = 0 ;

    if ( iRoc >= 8 ) { 
      rocNy = 81 ; 
      rocNx = 8 * rocX - ((iRoc-7) * rocX) + 1; // To fix the roc positions
    }// end if iRoc

    for ( int iX = rocNx; iX < rocX + rocNx; iX++ ) {
      for ( int iY = rocNy; iY < rocY + rocNy; iY++ ) {

        moduleHist -> SetBinContent ( iX, iY, h->GetBinContent( iX - rocNx, iY- rocNy ) ) ;      

      }// end for iX
    } // end for iY
  }// end for iRoc

  gStyle -> SetPalette ( 51 ) ;

	moduleHist -> SetStats ( false ) ;

	return moduleHist ;

}//end TH2F moduleHisto

TH2F *canvasHisto ( TString arm, int sectionMod = 1, int ladder = 1, bool pixel = false, bool caldel = false ) {

	TString module = moduleName( arm, sectionMod, ladder ) ;

	TH2F *moduleHist = new TH2F ( module, module, 8*52, 0-0.5, 8*52-0.5, 2*80, 0-0.5, 2*80-0.5 ) ;

	for ( int iRoc = 0; iRoc < 16; iRoc++ ) { 

  	TString directory = dirName ( iRoc, arm, sectionMod, ladder, pixel, caldel ) ; 

		TCanvas *moduleCanvas = new TCanvas ( ) ;

		TCanvas *c = (TCanvas*)gDirectory -> Get ( directory ) ;

		if ( c==NULL ) {
			std::cout << "Can not access canvas! " << directory.Data() << std::endl ;
			return NULL ;


		TString roc = rocName ( arm, sectionMod, ladder ) ;
   	//TH2 *h  = (TH2*)c -> GetPrimitive ( roc ) ;
   	//TH2F *h  = (TH2F*)c -> GetPrimitive ( "BPix_BpO_SEC1_LYR3_LDR1F_MOD1_ROC0" ) ;
		//TH1 *h  = (TH1*)c -> GetPrimitive ( "BPix_BpO_SEC1_LYR3_LDR1F_MOD1_ROC0" ) ;
		TH1 *h  = (TH1*)c -> GetPrimitive ( roc ) ;


		if ( h==NULL ) {
			std::cout << "Can not access histogram! " << roc.Data() << std::endl ;
			return NULL ;

    int rocX = h -> GetNbinsX ( ) ;
    int rocY = h -> GetNbinsY ( ) ;
    int rocNx = iRoc * rocX, rocNy = 0 ;

    if ( iRoc >= 8 ) { 
      rocNy = 80 ; 
      rocNx = 8 * rocX - ((iRoc-7) * rocX) ; // To fix the roc positions
    }// end if iRoc

    for ( int iX = 0 + rocNx; iX < rocX + rocNx ; iX++ ) {
      for ( int iY = 0 + rocNy; iY < rocY + rocNy ; iY++ ) {

        //moduleHist -> SetBinContent ( iX, iY, h->GetBinContent( iX - rocNx, iY- rocNy ) ) ;      

      }// end for iX
    } // end for iY

  }// end for iRoc

  //gStyle -> SetPalette ( 51 ) ;

	moduleHist -> SetStats ( false ) ;

	return moduleHist ;

}//end TCanvas moduleCanvas ( )

void easyAnalysis ( int runNumber = 100026 ) {

	bool pixelAlive = false ;
	bool calDelCalibration = true ;

	TCanvas *canvasUpstream = new TCanvas();
	canvasUpstream -> Divide ( 4, 2 ) ;

	TFile *file = new TFile ( fileName( runNumber, pixelAlive, calDelCalibration ) ) ;
	if ( !file -> IsOpen ( ) ) {
		std::cout << "Input file can't be opened! " << fileName ( runNumber, pixelAlive, calDelCalibration ) << std::endl ;
		return ;

	for ( int iLadder = 1; iLadder < 5; iLadder++  ) {
		if ( pixelAlive ) {

			TH2F *hist1 = moduleHisto ( "BpO", 1, iLadder, pixelAlive, calDelCalibration ) ;
			if ( hist1==NULL ) continue ;
			canvasUpstream -> cd ( iLadder ) ;  		
			hist1 -> Draw ( "COLZ" ) ;
			TH2F *hist4 = moduleHisto ( "BpO", 4, iLadder, pixelAlive, calDelCalibration ) ;
			if ( hist4==NULL ) continue ;
			canvasUpstream -> cd ( iLadder + 4 ) ;
			hist4 -> Draw ( "COLZ" ) ;

		} else if ( calDelCalibration ) {

			TH2F *hist1 = canvasHisto ( "BpO", 1, iLadder, pixelAlive, calDelCalibration ) ;
			if ( hist1==NULL ) return ;
			canvasUpstream -> cd ( iLadder ) ;  		
			hist1 -> Draw ( "COLZ" ) ;
			TH2F *hist4 = moduleHisto ( "BpO", 4, iLadder, pixelAlive, calDelCalibration ) ;
			if ( hist4==NULL ) return ;
			canvasUpstream -> cd ( iLadder + 4 ) ;
			hist4 -> Draw ( "COLZ" ) ;

		}//end if pixelAlive/calDelCalibration

	}//end for iLadder

/*	TCanvas *canvasDownstream = new TCanvas();
	canvasDownstream -> Divide ( 4, 2 ) ;

	for ( int iLadder = 1; iLadder < 5; iLadder++  ) {

		if ( pixelAlive ) {

			TH2F *hist1 = moduleHisto ( "BmO", 1, iLadder, pixelAlive, calDelCalibration ) ;
			if ( hist1==NULL ) continue ;
			canvasDownstream -> cd ( iLadder ) ;  		
			hist1 -> Draw ( "COLZ" ) ;
			TH2F *hist4 = moduleHisto ( "BmO", 4, iLadder, pixelAlive, calDelCalibration ) ;
			if ( hist4==NULL ) continue ;
			canvasDownstream -> cd ( iLadder + 4 ) ;
			hist4 -> Draw ( "COLZ" ) ;

		} else if ( calDelCalibration ) {

			TH2F *hist1 = canvasHisto ( "BmO", 1, iLadder, pixelAlive, calDelCalibration ) ;
			if ( hist1==NULL ) return ;
			canvasUpstream -> cd ( iLadder ) ;  		
			hist1 -> Draw ( "COLZ" ) ;
			TH2F *hist4 = moduleHisto ( "BmO", 4, iLadder, pixelAlive, calDelCalibration ) ;
			if ( hist4==NULL ) return ;
			canvasUpstream -> cd ( iLadder + 4 ) ;
			hist4 -> Draw ( "COLZ" ) ;

		}//end if pixelAlive/calDelCalibration

	}//end for iLadder
}//end void accessHistos ( )

_ROOT Version: 6.12/06
_Platform: CentOS7
Compiler: Not Provided

Problem solved, it was not in the way I accessed the TH1 but in the way I used it.

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