Probem of defining and filling a TTree Branch with structure containing a std::vector in pyROOT

The structure is defined as

 "struct data_t {\
    int  m;\
    Char_t  n[5];\
    vector<int> E;\

I tried the following ways to define the branch containing a std::vectors

 t1.Branch("E", addressof(data, 'E'), 'E/vector<int>');

This one leads to an unknow type error and is not the right way of doing it.

 t1.Branch("E", data.E);

This one correctly defined the tree but had a “*** Break *** bus error” when trying to run


I attached the example code and any help is appreciated.

ROOT Version: 6.32.2
Platform: ubuntu
Compiler: gcc
__ (535 Bytes)

It turns out one has to do the following:

 "struct data_t {\
    int  m;\
    Char_t  n[5];\
    std::vector<int> *E;\

 data = ROOT.data_t()
 data.E = ROOT.std.vector(int)()
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Thanks a lot for the follow up and for sharing the solution with the Community! Hopefully this will be helpful for others.


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