Potential Memory leak?

You need:

   // ...
   TH1D *h = new TH1D("Energy", "Final Energy; Protons; Frequency", 50, 0., 2.);
   for (Long64_t jentry = 0; jentry < nentries; jentry++) {
   // ...
		      if (pdgf[pdgindex] == 2212) {
		      	  h->Fill(Your_Particle_Final_Energy_Value); // maybe (Ef[pdgindex])
   // ...
   // ...

BTW. If this is the same tree as in the “InteractionsII.root” file, instead of:
for (Long64_t pdgindex=0; pdgindex<28;pdgindex++)
you need:
for (Int_t pdgindex = 0; pdgindex < nf; pdgindex++) // if you use the "pdgf[nf]/I " branch inside
for (Int_t pdgindex = 0; pdgindex < ni; pdgindex++) // if you use the "pdgi[ni]/I " branch inside

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