Potential memory leak

Hi all,

I’m using pyroot to dynamically draw many histograms like this

        self.partition   = ('LBA', 'LBC', 'EBA', 'EBC')
        self.gain        = ('LGLG', 'LGHG', 'HGLG', 'HGHG')
        self.sample      = ('A', 'BC', 'D', 'E')

       self.labels = ('RMS', 'pileup', 'sigma1', 'sigma2', 'R', 
                       'RMS_difference', 'Sigma1_difference')


for part in self.partition:
            for gain in self.gain:
                for samp in self.sample:
                    for run in self.runs:
                        for label in self.labels:

                            if (label == 'RMS'):

                                name  = "h_%s_Zero_RMS_NoiseIn_%s_%s_%s" % (part, gain, samp, run)
                                title = "Zero RMS Noise Cells In %s %s cell in %s" % (part, samp, gain)
                                key   = "%s_%s_%s_%s_%s" % (part, samp, gain, run, label)

                            if (label == 'pileup'):

                                name  = "h_%s_Zero_Pileup_NoiseIn_%s_%s_%s" % (part, gain, samp, run)      
                                title = "Zero Pileup Noise Cells In %s %s cell in %s" % (part, samp, gain)
                                key   = "%s_%s_%s_%s_%s" % (part, samp, gain, run, label)



        # Initialize the histograms.
        for i in range(len(self.histo_names)):

            self.histo_names[i] = ROOT.TH2D(self.histo_names[i], 
                                            self.histo_titles[i], 64, .5, 64.5, 48, -.5, 47.5)

        # Generate a dictionary for the histograms with the key
        # generated above.

        self.histograms = dict((x, y) for x, y in 
                               zip(self.histo_keys, self.histo_names))

I then fill them like this

[code] def fill_histo(histo_id, data):

                        self.histograms[histo_id].SetBinContent(int(module), int(channel_1) + 1, data)

                        if (len(region.GetChannels(true)) == 2):

                            self.histograms[histo_id].SetBinContent(int(module), int(channel_2) + 1, data) 


and write them as

[code] # Write the histograms.

    for i in range(len(self.histo_names)):
        self.histo_names[i].GetXaxis().SetTitle('Module Number')
        self.histo_names[i].GetYaxis().SetTitle('Channel Number')

        if not (self.histo_names[i].GetEntries() == 0):



I attach the whole file, I’m particularly interested in the Sigma1_difference histos, all the others are fine but for these two I get the potential memory leak, because I try to set the bin content of the same histogram many times during a loop.


sorry for the late reply, but I’ve been traveling.

The error message about the potential memory leak shows up if you recreate a histogram with the same name, not if you just change the bin content of an existing one.

There are some ‘…’ in your code, so I don’t know what happens if label == ‘Sigma1_difference’, but my guess is that the name variable is the same for some iteration of one of the outer loops.
