Potential Bug in TGraph2D

Hey Wile_E_Coyote,

I’m not setting the range. It seems like unanticipated behavior. For example,

TGraph2D* produceWorkingGraph()
  TGraph2D* graph = new TGraph2D(1000);
  for(int iP = 0; iP < 1000;iP ++)
  return graph;

TGraph2D* produceNotWorkingGraph()
  TGraph2D* graph = new TGraph2D(1000);
  for(int iP = 0; iP < 1000;iP ++)
  return graph;

TGraph2D* a = produceWorkingGraph();
TGraph2D* b = produceNotWorkingGraph();
//no error
//range error

The range is being generated within the class, and in the negative case, the range is invalid.
Does this not feel like unanticipated behavior?