Possible 5.14g?


GLAST is currently using 5.14e. There are a couple bug fixes that we’d appreciate having included in a potential 5.14g tag. I realize the next proudcution release is coming soon, but I suspect we will no be able to upgrade to it for a month or so. We have a number of test runs coming in advance of our impending launch and having these fixes in place would be a big help:

bug fix #26727:
savannah.cern.ch/bugs/?func=det … 27#options

bug fix 25697:
savannah.cern.ch/bugs/?func=det … 97#options

The first, 26727, is more important to us actually. Is it possible to put those fixes on the 5.14 branch?

If not, is it possible to send the code fixes so that we may apply the patches ourselves? If they are too complicated to apply, just let us know - perhaps that would move us to the upcoming 5.16 faster.

Take care,


Was it that crazy a request? :slight_smile:

I see 5.16 is now out, though we are still not in a position to move to it until August.

I’m quite willing to put make my own update to 5.14e given the appropriate code fixes.

Take care,

Hi Heather,

Not at all :slight_smile: Sorry for the delay in answering :slight_smile:

Actually it is already in CVS and Fons is getting ready to tag v5.14/00g.
See root.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/ROOT/PatchesV5-14-00.



Please let me know when the tag is applied, I just tried to check it out a few minutes ago and CVS reports the v5-14-00g tag does not exist. Meanwhile, I’ll try out the HEAD of the patches branch.

Take care,


The tag for v5-14-00g is now in CVS.
