Dear all,
We are providing a JupyterLab based notebooks service to our users. Once a user connects to this service, a notebook server is spawned inside a Docker container, running either in a VM or in a physical machine.
We are providing ROOT based kernels, as well as Python + PyROOT kernels. I am trying to use JsROOT in the notebooks, but up to now I failed to do it.
Basically I start a Python based kernel and import ROOT. if I want to switch to JsROOT (using the magic %jsroot) and redraw a plot, then the plot disappears (and the plot area remains blank).
I checked the logs to check potential missing dependancies or similar problems, but found nothing. It is like everything is running as expected, but JupyterLab cannot display the plot.
Do I have something else to provide or configure to make JsROOT work in such environment? In particular, do I have to expose ports or something to be able to correctly display the plots?
Please read tips for efficient and successful posting and posting code
_ROOT Version: 6.20.00 (6.18.00 and 6.22.00 as well)
_Platform: CentOS 7.9.2009
_Compiler: GCC 7.2.1