Please, correct the bug in "TPgSQLStatement::SetNull" (ROOT 5.34.34)

I wrote about this bug but nobody has answered.
[url]TPgSQLStatement error for SetNull function

The bug line is in TPgSQLStatement.cxx in Bool_t TPgSQLStatement::SetNull(Int_t npar) function:

It should be:

P.S. It should write NULL to the database but not “” (empty line). It causes, for example, error if the column defines as ‘timestamp’ type - it tries to write datetime as empty line and the error occurs in PostgreSQL database.

Dear gertsen,

Sorry for the late reply.
Thanks for providing the fix. It is now in master and v5-34-00-patches.
Let me know if you need it elsewhere.

G Ganis

Thank you much.

I think it will be usefull also to check npar being in the correct range:

if ((npar >= 0) && (npar < fNumBuffers)) fBind[npar] = 0;