Performace question

With root 3.10.02 i reached 270 rootmarks on a p4 2.66 ghz 512 mb compiled on mandrake 9.2 . With the root 3.10.02 gdk for windows i reached 259 rootmarks on celeron 2.3 ghz 512 mb. is this consistent with what benchmark.C told me that p4 2.4 ghz has 600 rootmarks? what is better : higher rootmarks or lower :slight_smile: ?

Hi adrian_sev,
very strange. Could you send printout of benchmarks.C?

Regards. Valeriy

root 3.10.02 win gdk on Celeron 2.3 Ghz 512 mb ram
chipset i845 video onboard (could rootmarks depend of video performance? And also can be done a benchmark for batch mode (txt only) . One can want to mesure only cpu(+ram) power .

  •    W E L C O M E  to  R O O T       *
  •                                     *
  • Version 3.10/02 17 December 2003 *
  •                                     *
  • You are welcome to visit our Web site *
  •      [](            *
  •                                     *

Compiled for win32gdk.

CINT/ROOT C/C++ Interpreter version 5.15.115, Dec 9 2003
Type ? for help. Commands must be C++ statements.
Enclose multiple statements between { }.
root [0] TBrowser kj
root [1] .L rootalias.C
root [2] .x benchmark.C
hsimple : Real Time = 1.56 seconds Cpu Time = 1.46 seconds
hsum : Real Time = 2.26 seconds Cpu Time = 2.24 seconds

Object statistics
class cnt on heap size total size

TObject 110 110 12 1320
TList 16 16 44 704
THashList 2 2 48 96
TPair 45 45 20 900
TObjString 45 45 20 900
TOrdCollection 6 6 44 264
THashTable 3 3 40 120
TMap 1 0 28 28
TROOT 1 0 296 296
TEnv 1 1 24 24
TObjectTable 1 1 24 24
TWinNTSystem 1 1 724 724
TClassTable 1 1 12 12
TPluginManager 1 1 16 16
TRandom 1 1 32 32

Total: 235 233 1384 5460

fillrandom: Real Time = 0.32 seconds Cpu Time = 0.14 seconds
TFile** fillrandom.root
TFile* fillrandom.root
KEY: TFormula form1;1 abs(sin(x)/x)
KEY: TF1 sqroot;1 xgaus(0)+[3]form1
KEY: TH1F h1f;1 Test random numbers
sqroot : x
gaus(0)+[3]form1 Ndim= 1, Npar= 4, Noper= 11
fExpr[0] = x fOper = 110000
fExpr[1] = gaus(0) fOper = 2001
fExpr[2] = * fOper = 3
fExpr[3] = [3] fOper = 104
fExpr[4] = x fOper = 110000
fExpr[5] = sin fOper = 11
fExpr[6] = x fOper = 110000
fExpr[7] = / fOper = 4
fExpr[8] = abs fOper = 41
fExpr[9] = * fOper = 3
fExpr[10] = + fOper = 1
Par 0 p0 = 10
Par 1 p1 = 4
Par 2 p2 = 1
Par 3 p3 = 20
TH1.Print Name= Func, Entries= 100, Total sum= 1514.36
2.1 per cent EDM=3.04297e-007 STRATEGY= 1 ERROR MATRIX UNCE
1 p0 3.29813e+001 5.33605e-001 -6.73622e-004 9.77958e-00
2 p1 3.98897e+000 1.76566e-002 -1.60737e-004 6.03749e-00
3 p2 1.00021e+000 1.31769e-002 5.11839e-005 3.08495e-00
4 p3 6.29888e+001 1.32324e+000 3.05003e-004 2.96136e-00
fit1 : Real Time = 0.30 seconds Cpu Time = 0.15 seconds
* hsimple.root Demo ROOT file with histograms
hsimple.root Demo ROOT file with histograms
KEY: TH1F hpx;1 This is the px distribution
KEY: TH2F hpxpy;1 py vs px
KEY: TProfile hprof;1 Profile of pz versus px
KEY: TNtuple ntuple;1 Demo ntuple
i 0 0.000000 1.986693
i 1 0.100000 2.955202
i 2 0.200000 3.894183
i 3 0.300000 4.794255
i 4 0.400000 5.646425
i 5 0.500000 6.442177
i 6 0.600000 7.173561
i 7 0.700000 7.833269
i 8 0.800000 8.414710
i 9 0.900000 8.912074
i 10 1.000000 9.320391
i 11 1.100000 9.635582
i 12 1.200000 9.854497
i 13 1.300000 9.974950
i 14 1.400000 9.995736
i 15 1.500000 9.916648
i 16 1.600000 9.738476
i 17 1.700000 9.463001
i 18 1.800000 9.092974
i 19 1.900000 8.632094
tornado : Real Time = 0.13 seconds Cpu Time = 0.06 seconds
na49 : Real Time = 4.60 seconds Cpu Time = 4.48 seconds
geometry : Real Time = 0.64 seconds Cpu Time = 0.22 seconds
na49view : Real Time = 0.36 seconds Cpu Time = 0.36 seconds
na49view : Real Time = 0.86 seconds Cpu Time = 0.83 seconds
1 p0 1.56416e+000 1.80511e-001 3.20780e-005 3.30981e-00
2 p1 1.01361e-002 2.43968e-002 8.64192e-006 1.21772e-00
3 p2 8.76773e-001 1.61451e-002 2.32044e-006 4.58157e-00
ntuple1 : Real Time = 0.65 seconds Cpu Time = 0.54 seconds
---------------ROOT 3.10/02 benchmarks summary--------------------
hsimple : Real Time = 1.56 seconds Cpu Time = 1.46 seconds
hsum : Real Time = 2.26 seconds Cpu Time = 2.24 seconds
fillrandom: Real Time = 0.32 seconds Cpu Time = 0.14 seconds
fit1 : Real Time = 0.30 seconds Cpu Time = 0.15 seconds
tornado : Real Time = 0.13 seconds Cpu Time = 0.06 seconds
na49 : Real Time = 4.60 seconds Cpu Time = 4.48 seconds
geometry : Real Time = 0.64 seconds Cpu Time = 0.22 seconds
na49view : Real Time = 0.86 seconds Cpu Time = 0.83 seconds
ntuple1 : Real Time = 0.65 seconds Cpu Time = 0.54 seconds
TOTAL : Real Time = 11.33 seconds Cpu Time = 10.12 seconds

---------------ROOT 3.10/02 benchmarks summary (in ROOTMARKS)-----
For comparison, a Pentium IV 2.4Ghz is benchmarked at 600 ROOTMARKS
hsimple = 380.28 RealMARKS, = 176.46 CpuMARKS
hsum = 262.37 RealMARKS, = 64.19 CpuMARKS
fillrandom = 897.19 RealMARKS, = 171.18 CpuMARKS
fit1 = 260.00 RealMARKS, = 119.83 CpuMARKS
tornado = 507.69 RealMARKS, = 299.57 CpuMARKS
na49 = 181.42 RealMARKS, = 186.31 CpuMARKS
geometry = 177.85 RealMARKS, = 490.20 CpuMARKS
na49view = 229.97 RealMARKS, = 36.09 CpuMARKS
ntuple1 = 1649.77 RealMARKS, = 310.66 CpuMARKS

  • Your machine is estimated at 254.53 ROOTMARKS *

I’m just curious: is it laptop?
For example, for my laptop I lose ~ factor of 2 in
benchmarks.C when it works standalone from battery.

++ You have very suspisious result in na49 test (3 times slower).
This test is not graphical one, only calculations and file I/O.

Regards. Valeriy

Of cause benchmarks.C depends on video performance.
For example, using 16bit colors gives ~20% gain against 32bit colors

Yes it is laptop but wasnt on battery. I know i lose performance on battery becouse o throttle reduction but was on AC.
and you said :

<++ You have very suspisious result in na49 test (3 times slower).
<This test is not graphical one, only calculations and file I/O.
(i seen same pads with na49 drawings (which is 3d geo so i guess OpenGL)

<Regards. Valeriy

<Of cause benchmarks.C depends on video performance. <!!!>
<For example, using 16bit colors gives ~20% gain against 32bit colors

So whats gone be ? depends on graphical or not?
In this moment it is clear to me that root performance depends on graphical sistem. (of course depending of program used)
Can benchmark.C make graphical files on hdd instead draw them?
I think it be useful some benchemark that not depend of video system.

there are another benchmarks tests.
Go to $ROOTSYS/test and type “make”
or you can build it with VC7 project (Makefile.sln)
located in the attachment (you will need to define ROOTSYS
enviroment variable via ControlPanel)

Run bench or stress tests.

Regards. Valeriy

send me results from these tests (404 KB)

This is benchmark.C in linux mdk 9.2 ( root updated and compiled )

[adrian@inspiron tutorials]$ root

  •                                     *
  •    W E L C O M E  to  R O O T       *
  •                                     *
  • Version 4.00/01 28 January 2004 *
  •                                     *
  • You are welcome to visit our Web site *
  •      [](            *
  •                                     *

FreeType Engine v2.1.3 used to render TrueType fonts.
Compiled for linux with thread support.

CINT/ROOT C/C++ Interpreter version 5.15.117, Jan 4 2004
Type ? for help. Commands must be C++ statements.
Enclose multiple statements between { }.

Welcome to the ROOT tutorials

Type “.x demos.C” to get a toolbar from which to execute the demos

Type “.x demoshelp.C” to see the help window

root [0] .x benchmarks.C
hsimple : Real Time = 2.17 seconds Cpu Time = 0.88 seconds
hsum : Real Time = 1.60 seconds Cpu Time = 0.65 seconds

Object statistics
class cnt on heap size total size heap size

TObject 110 110 12 1320 1320
TList 17 17 44 748 748
THashList 2 2 48 96 96
TPair 346 346 20 6920 6920
TObjString 346 346 20 6920 6920
TOrdCollection 7 7 44 308 308
TROOT 1 0 308 308 0
THashTable 3 3 40 120 120
TMap 1 0 28 28 0
TPluginManager 1 1 16 16 16
TEnv 1 1 24 24 24
TObjectTable 1 1 24 24 24
TClassTable 1 1 12 12 12
TUnixSystem 1 1 236 236 236
TRandom 1 1 32 32 32

Total: 839 837 908 17112 16776

fillrandom: Real Time = 0.20 seconds Cpu Time = 0.07 seconds
TFile** fillrandom.root
TFile* fillrandom.root
KEY: TFormula form1;1 abs(sin(x)/x)
KEY: TF1 sqroot;1 xgaus(0)+[3]form1
KEY: TH1F h1f;1 Test random numbers
sqroot : x
gaus(0)+[3]form1 Ndim= 1, Npar= 4, Noper= 11
fExpr[0] = x action = 144 action param = 0
fExpr[1] = gaus(0) action = 110 action param = 0
fExpr[2] = * action = 3 action param = 0
fExpr[3] = [3] action = 140 action param = 3
fExpr[4] = x action = 144 action param = 0
fExpr[5] = sin action = 11 action param = 0
fExpr[6] = x action = 144 action param = 0
fExpr[7] = / action = 4 action param = 0
fExpr[8] = abs action = 41 action param = 0
fExpr[9] = * action = 3 action param = 0
fExpr[10] = + action = 1 action param = 0
Par 0 p0 = 10
Par 1 p1 = 4
Par 2 p2 = 1
Par 3 p3 = 20
TH1.Print Name= Func, Entries= 100, Total sum= 1514.36
1 p0 3.29813e+01 5.33605e-01 -6.73622e-04 9.77958e-04
2 p1 3.98897e+00 1.76566e-02 -1.60737e-04 6.03749e-02
3 p2 1.00021e+00 1.31769e-02 5.11839e-05 3.08495e-02
4 p3 6.29888e+01 1.32324e+00 3.05003e-04 2.96136e-04
fit1 : Real Time = 0.27 seconds Cpu Time = 0.11 seconds
* hsimple.root Demo ROOT file with histograms
hsimple.root Demo ROOT file with histograms
KEY: TH1F hpx;1 This is the px distribution
KEY: TH2F hpxpy;1 py vs px
KEY: TProfile hprof;1 Profile of pz versus px
KEY: TNtuple ntuple;1 Demo ntuple
i 0 0.000000 1.986693
i 1 0.100000 2.955202
i 2 0.200000 3.894183
i 3 0.300000 4.794255
i 4 0.400000 5.646425
i 5 0.500000 6.442177
i 6 0.600000 7.173561
i 7 0.700000 7.833269
i 8 0.800000 8.414710
i 9 0.900000 8.912074
i 10 1.000000 9.320391
i 11 1.100000 9.635582
i 12 1.200000 9.854497
i 13 1.300000 9.974950
i 14 1.400000 9.995736
i 15 1.500000 9.916648
i 16 1.600000 9.738476
i 17 1.700000 9.463001
i 18 1.800000 9.092974
i 19 1.900000 8.632094
tornado : Real Time = 0.09 seconds Cpu Time = 0.04 seconds
na49 : Real Time = 9.85 seconds Cpu Time = 4.91 seconds
geometry : Real Time = 0.93 seconds Cpu Time = 0.41 seconds
na49view : Real Time = 0.17 seconds Cpu Time = 0.04 seconds
na49view : Real Time = 0.51 seconds Cpu Time = 0.13 seconds
1 p0 1.56416e+00 1.80510e-01 3.20780e-05 -1.93867e-05
2 p1 1.01361e-02 2.43967e-02 8.64192e-06 -7.37096e-05
3 p2 8.76773e-01 1.61451e-02 2.32044e-06 -2.69818e-04
ntuple1 : Real Time = 1.31 seconds Cpu Time = 0.44 seconds
---------------ROOT 4.00/01 benchmarks summary--------------------
hsimple : Real Time = 2.17 seconds Cpu Time = 0.88 seconds
hsum : Real Time = 1.60 seconds Cpu Time = 0.65 seconds
fillrandom: Real Time = 0.20 seconds Cpu Time = 0.07 seconds
fit1 : Real Time = 0.27 seconds Cpu Time = 0.11 seconds
tornado : Real Time = 0.09 seconds Cpu Time = 0.04 seconds
na49 : Real Time = 9.85 seconds Cpu Time = 4.91 seconds
geometry : Real Time = 0.93 seconds Cpu Time = 0.41 seconds
na49view : Real Time = 0.51 seconds Cpu Time = 0.13 seconds
ntuple1 : Real Time = 1.31 seconds Cpu Time = 0.44 seconds
TOTAL : Real Time = 16.93 seconds Cpu Time = 7.64 seconds

---------------ROOT 4.00/01 benchmarks summary (in ROOTMARKS)-----
For comparison, a Pentium IV 2.4Ghz is benchmarked at 600 ROOTMARKS
hsimple = 273.73 RealMARKS, = 293.18 CpuMARKS
hsum = 371.25 RealMARKS, = 221.54 CpuMARKS
fillrandom = 1440.00 RealMARKS, = 342.86 CpuMARKS
fit1 = 288.89 RealMARKS, = 163.64 CpuMARKS
tornado = 733.33 RealMARKS, = 450.00 CpuMARKS
na49 = 84.67 RealMARKS, = 169.86 CpuMARKS
geometry = 122.58 RealMARKS, = 263.41 CpuMARKS
na49view = 388.24 RealMARKS, = 230.77 CpuMARKS
ntuple1 = 819.85 RealMARKS, = 381.82 CpuMARKS

  • Your machine is estimated at 222.22 ROOTMARKS *

This is the test compiled

[adrian@inspiron test]$ ./bench

  •                                     *
  •    W E L C O M E  to  R O O T       *
  •                                     *
  • Version 4.00/01 28 January 2004 *
  •                                     *
  • You are welcome to visit our Web site *
  •      [](            *
  •                                     *

FreeType Engine v2.1.3 used to render TrueType fonts.
Compiled for linux with thread support.

CINT/ROOT C/C++ Interpreter version 5.15.117, Jan 4 2004
Type ? for help. Commands must be C++ statements.
Enclose multiple statements between { }.
1 STLhit : RT= 1.73 s Cpu= 0.85 s
2 STLhitw: RT= 2.80 s Cpu= 0.73 s, size= 42046439 bytes, cx= 1.00
3 STLhitr: RT= 1.77 s Cpu= 0.89 s
4 STLhitw: RT= 7.07 s Cpu= 3.21 s, size= 11144523 bytes, cx= 3.77
5 STLhitr: RT= 2.68 s Cpu= 1.34 s
6 STLhit* : RT= 1.77 s Cpu= 0.88 s
7 STLhitw: RT= 3.00 s Cpu= 0.59 s, size= 42047944 bytes, cx= 1.00
8 STLhit
r: RT= 1.54 s Cpu= 0.81 s
9 STLhitw: RT= 6.78 s Cpu= 3.07 s, size= 11144131 bytes, cx= 3.77
10 STLhit
r: RT= 2.53 s Cpu= 1.26 s
11 Clones1 : RT= 1.76 s Cpu= 0.86 s
12 Clones1w: RT= 2.70 s Cpu= 0.54 s, size= 39708049 bytes, cx= 1.00
13 Clones1r: RT= 0.68 s Cpu= 0.67 s
14 Clones1w: RT= 5.76 s Cpu= 2.65 s, size= 7376627 bytes, cx= 5.38
15 Clones1r: RT= 2.09 s Cpu= 1.06 s
16 Clones2w: RT= 2.97 s Cpu= 0.52 s, size= 39708049 bytes, cx= 1.00
17 Clones2r: RT= 1.22 s Cpu= 0.64 s
18 Clones2w: RT= 5.17 s Cpu= 2.39 s, size= 7376726 bytes, cx= 5.38
19 Clones2r: RT= 2.00 s Cpu= 1.02 s

  •   Comparing STL vector with TClonesArray: Root 4.00/01                 *
  • Linux 2.4.22-10mdk #1 Thu Sep 18 12:30:58
  • Reference machine  RedHat Linux 6.1                 *
  •     (Pentium IV 2.4 Ghz 512 Mbytes RAM, IDE disk)                     *
  •       (send your results to [](                      *

  • Time to fill the structures (seconds) Reference cx Reference *

  • vector 0.85 0.98 3.77 3.77 *
  • vector<THit*> 0.88 0.90 3.77 3.78 *
  • TClonesArray(TObjHit) 0.86 0.74 5.38 5.40 *
  • TClonesArray(TObjHit) split 0.86 0.74 5.38 5.40 *

  • Size of file in bytes comp 0 Reference comp 1 Reference *

  • vector 42046439 42053619 11144523 11144596 *
  • vector<THit*> 42047944 42078956 11144131 11144412 *
  • TClonesArray(TObjHit) 39708049 39804763 7376627 7377591 *
  • TClonesArray(TObjHit) split 39708049 39804763 7376726 7377664 *

  • Time to write in seconds comp 0 Reference comp 1 Reference *

  • vector 0.73 0.44 3.21 2.17 *
  • vector<THit*> 0.62 0.38 3.10 2.27 *
  • TClonesArray(TObjHit) 0.55 0.09 2.66 1.28 *
  • TClonesArray(TObjHit) split 0.53 0.09 2.40 1.28 *

  • Time to read in seconds comp 0 Reference comp 1 Reference *

  • vector 0.89 0.68 1.34 1.29 *
  • vector<THit*> 0.81 0.65 1.26 1.31 *
  • TClonesArray(TObjHit) 0.67 0.34 1.06 0.76 *
  • TClonesArray(TObjHit) split 0.64 0.33 1.02 0.75 *

  • Total CPU time 30.88 24.92 *
  • Estimated ROOTMARKS 484.20 600.00 *

Info in TCanvas::Print: PostScript file has been created
root [0]

i forgot : it seems that root win version is faster than linux compiled version (~ 30 rootmarks ) !!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Hi adrian_sev,
I suspect that your computer is not 2.3 Ghz
but around 1.3 Ghz :wink: . Make sure that I’m wrong.
Try … ame=fidrus

HTH. Regards. Valeriy

That reminds me one “true story”. At early days
of IHEP one of the “gurus” looking at osciloscope gave
correct diagnoze : “there is lead-brick in the accelerator tube”

the BIOS tell me that is an Celeron at 2.3 Ghz .the same with sisoft sandra
and other tools

SiSoftware Sandra

Model : Intel® Celeron® CPU 2.30GHz
Co-Processor (FPU) : Built-in
Speed : 2.29GHz
Performance Rating : PR2520 (estimated)
Type : Standard
Packaging : FC µPGA478
Rated Speed/FSB : 2300MHz / 4x 100MHz
Multiplier : 23x
Generation : 7th (7x86)
Model Information : P4C (Northwood128) Celeron 4 2G+ 1.525V
Revision/Stepping : 2 / 7 (A)
Stepping Mask : C1
Microcode : MU0F2733
Core Voltage Rating : 1.525V

Processor Cache(s)
Internal Data Cache : 8kB synchronous write-thru (4-way sectored, 64 byte line size)
Internal Trace Cache : 12kµops synchronous write-thru (8-way, 64 byte line size)
L2 On-board Cache : 128kB ECC synchronous ATC (2-way sectored, 64 byte line size)
L2 Cache Multiplier : 1/1x (equiv. 2291MHz)

CPU-Z Report

CPU-Z version 1.20a.

Number of CPUs 1

Code Name Northwood
Specification Intel® Celeron® CPU 2.30GHz
Family / Model / Stepping F 2 7
Extended Family / Model 0 0
Brand ID 10
Technology 0.13 ?
Supported Instructions Sets MMX, SSE, SSE2
CPU Clock Speed 2292.6 MHz
Clock multiplier x 23.0
Front Side Bus Frequency 99.7 MHz
Bus Speed 398.7 MHz
L1 Data Cache 8 KBytes, 4-way set associative, 64 Bytes line size
L1 Trace Cache 12 K?ops, 8-way set associative
L2 Cache 128 KBytes, 2-way set associative, 64 Bytes line size
L2 Speed 2292.6 MHz (Full)
L2 Location On Chip
L2 Data Prefetch Logic yes
L2 Bus Width 256 bits

Hi adrian_sev,
did you try … ame=fidrus
In 5 min you will know about:

Expected Frequency:
This is the frequency at which Intel intended the processor
and the system bus to run.
This should be the speed physically marked on the processor’s packaging.

Reported Frequency:
This is the actual operating frequency
of the processor and system bus as measured by the utility.

Processors or system bus that run
above their expected frequencies are considered to be overclocked.
Overclocked processors or system bus can produce unpredictable
results or system instabilities, which might not be readily apparent.
The life of the processor may also be shortened

Regards. Valeriy

Sorry i forgot to tell you that fidrus crashed my Windows Xp (whis is updated with all patches . ( second : is there fiden :smiley: ???

ok it works and this are the results

Intel® Processor Frequency ID Utility
Version: 6.5.20040203
Time Stamp: 2004/02/06 14:12:11
Number of processors in system: 1
Current processor: #1
Processor Name: Intel® Celeron® CPU 2.30GHz
Type: 0
Family: F
Model: 2
Stepping: 7
Revision: 33
L1 Trace Cache: 12 Kµops
L1 Data Cache: 8 KB
L2 Cache: 128 KB
Packaging: FC-PGA2
MMX™: Yes
SIMD2: Yes
NetBurst™ Microarchitecture: Yes
Expected Processor Frequency: 2.30 GHz
Reported Processor Frequency: 2.30 GHz
Expected System Bus Frequency: 400 MHz
Reported System Bus Frequency: 400 MHz