Path issue?

I am new using LINUX system and ROOT CERN.
The command ‘echo $PATH’ gives :
However, my .bashrc contains :
source /home/salma/salma/installdir/bin/
export PATH=“$PATH:/home/salma/salma/root_src/math/mathmore/inc”

I might have a PATH problem ?
In fact, I freshly installed Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and built root from source following the site.
Also, I should note that first, I have installed root via SNAP then I removed it because I had error messages (same as shown down) and others.
I think that I succeeded to removed it via sudo snap remove. Because 'snap list ’ gives only core and hello-world.

Root works well except for macros with such include : #include <Math/Interpolator.h>
It gives this message with error :
root [0] .L analyse.C+
Info in TUnixSystem::ACLiC: creating shared library /home/salma/salma/wavecatcher/./
In file included from input_line_9:6:
././analyse.C:21:11: fatal error: ‘Math/Interpolator.h’ file not found
#include <Math/Interpolator.h>
Error in : Executing ‘/home/salma/salma/installdir/bin/rootcling -v0 “–lib-list-prefix=/home/salma/salma/wavecatcher/analyse_C_ACLiC_map” -f “/home/salma/salma/wavecatcher/analyse_C_ACLiC_dict.cxx” -I$ROOTSYS/include -I"/home/salma/salma/installdir/etc/" -I"/home/salma/salma/installdir/etc//cling" -I"/home/salma/salma/installdir/etc//cling/plugins/include" -I"/home/salma/salma/installdir/include/" -I"/home/salma/salma/installdir/include" -D__ACLIC__ “/home/salma/salma/wavecatcher/./analyse.C” “/home/salma/salma/wavecatcher/analyse_C_ACLiC_linkdef.h”’ failed!

I have tried this in .profile #added at the end but didnt work :
PATH=“$(printf “%s” “$PATH” | awk -v RS=‘:’ ‘!a[$1]++ {if (NR > 1) printf RS; printf $1}’)”
In the macro, changing <> with “” in the include doesn’t work
Thanks for help !

ROOT Version:_ 6.32.02
Built for linuxx8664gcc |
c++ 13.2.0


Thanks for the post and welcome to the ROOT Community!

I think you might have an installation or include path issue.
Could you share with us how you configured your ROOT installation?


Thank you for your rapid response.

  1. I have created in home/salma/salma three folders root_src, sourcedir and installdir.
  2. I cloned the latest stable version in root_src directory.
    3)Then, in the builddir, I have executed the command :
    cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=home/salma/salma/installdir home/salma/salma/root_src
    Finally, I have sourced it with source home/salma/salma/installir/bin/
    As said before, I have added to the ./bashrc these two lines :
    source /home/salma/salma/installdir/bin/
    export PATH=“$PATH:/home/salma/salma/root_src/math/mathmore/inc”
    In conclusion, no error message appears during the installation process. However, if I add an include with a path like <Math/Interpolator.h> in a macro working perfectly before in same terminal, it gives fatal error like:
    ././macro.C:20:11: fatal error: ‘Math/Interpolator.h’ file not found
    #include <Math/Interpolator.h>

Dear Salma,

Thanks for sharing the complete information.
Could you try to configure adding the -Dmathmore=ON flag? For example:
cmake -Dmathmore=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=home/salma/salma/installdir home/salma/salma/root_src
and re-run the compilation and installation?


I re-configured root in the builddir using
cmake -Dmathmore=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../installdir ../root_src
and re-installed it and sourced it.
It works perfectly now and no error message with the include.
Maybe, I had rather an installation problem.
Since, before reinstalling, I turnned ON the mathmore with the command ‘’‘ccmake . ‘’’ in the builtdir after installing the dependencie : cmake-curses-gui but no issue.
In the CMAKE_INVOKE, I had just a path but now a full instruction: /usr/bin/cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=“…/installdir” -Dmathmore=“ON” /home/salma/sal
Thanks a lot for help Danilo,

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Thanks for reporting the proposal works for you! Hopefully someone else can benefit from it, too!