Ownership Problem with Project3D

I’m sure this is a trivial issue, and maybe it has been dealt with before, but I couldn’t find it.

Anyway, I’m trying to open two different files with the same set of histograms but different data contained in them, but when I try to plot the projection, I only get the histograms from the first data file.

I’ve attached a simplified macro below.

Note that I did try to use SetDirectory(0), but to no avail.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
tmp.txt (409 Bytes)


it is a bug and TH3::Project does not create a different name than the
TH3 name + “xy”.
I have submitted a bug report:
and I will fix in the next days



It is now fixed in the trunk, revision 32039

Thank you for reporting this problem


Hi Lorenzo,

Thanks for fixing that. How exactly do I go about getting the “fixed” version? Will there be a patch posted? Or is there some other procedure?

Please let me know when you get a chance.



Hi Lorenzo,

I found the corrected TH3.cxx you posted and am re-compiling.

Thanks again!

