OS X Compilation for objects with C++11 features

We have a problem which is an extension of what was discussed in this previous thread:

[url]Problems compiling on os x 10.9

We see the same TObject::SavePrimitive undefined symbol error message. However, this error occurs for our derived classes when we compile our project which uses ROOT (version 5.34/12) libraries and C++11 features on Mac OS X 10.8 with xcode 5.0.2. First, it appears that the magic “–install” option no longer exists for 5.0.2. However I don’t think it really matters, since it appears only libc++ implements the C++11 features on OS X, but libstdc++ is necessary for all the needs of Reflex. Has anyone else encountered this problem and found a workable solution? Or is it necessary just to wait for ROOT 6 to sort it out or for there to be some compatibility release from the OS X side for libstdc++?