Openning a bunch of files placed at HTTP remote with RDataFrame

I tried to do the following:

ROOT::RDataFrame("AnalysisTree", "*RawData*.root");

But I get the following problem

Error in <TDavixSystem::DavixOpendir>: failed to opendir the directory: HTTP 405 : Method Not Allowed, Permission refused  (17)

I can access normally those files one by one at the remote location using TFile::Open. Why I couldn’t do the same with RDataFrame?

Hi @Javier_Galan,

  1. I guess if you pass the filenames as a list that works right? E.g.:
ROOT::RDataFrame("AnalysisTree", {","});
  1. Using a glob instead (i.e. using *RawData* rather than a list), can you open those files with TChain?


Hi Enrico,

Yes, passing them as a list it works.

No, I cannot, I do the following (where I replaced the real address by dummy values:

root [9] TChain ch("AnalysisTree");
root [10] ch.Add("*RawData*.root");
Error in <TDavixSystem::DavixOpendir>: failed to opendir the directory: HTTP 405 : Method Not Allowed, Permission refused  (17)


Alright, that’s the problem then, RDF is just forwarding what you pass to TChain, and TChain is not dealing with it correctly. A (not so handy, admittedly) workaround is to build the list yourself and pass the files as a list.

I don’t know whether TChain could do better and enumerate all files matching the glob even if they are hidden behind authentication, but feel free to open an issue at Issues · root-project/root · GitHub !


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