Opening a file that is "probably not closed"


While trying to open a root file (using the command line or TBrowser) I received the following error message:

Warning in TFile::Init: file orange_15770.ntp.root probably not closed, trying to recover
Warning in TFile::Init: no keys recovered, file has been made a Zombie

I have accessed this file many times in the past without any trouble. I have many similar files and receive the message only for this file. I have tried rebooting my computer but that doesn’t solve the problem. Could it be that the file is corrupted?

I have posted the bad file (orange_15770.ntp.root) and a similar one which gives no problem (orange_15774.ntp.root) here:

I am running root version 4.02/00 on SuSe Linux 7.

Thanks for any help you can provide,


I looked at your file. It is NOT corrupted. I see in it a long list
of TBasket objects, but I do not see the TTree header.
This means that you simply forgot to write the Tree header
in your job producing the Tree.
