Ntuple random access for large files

We are trying to split off a set of tuple files by binning on a particular parameter. I am finding that a macro to do this seems to break down for large tuple files (~2 GB). Works fine for smaller files (eg 100 MB). Break down means it slows to a crawl. Plan b is to read the entire tuple file n times with a TCut for each bin.

Here is the macro. It goes through the tuple once copying the relevant column to an array for sorting. Then reads the tuple back using the sort index and spits out files depending on the binning of the parameter.

This 2.7 GB files hangs up: ftp://ftp-glast.slac.stanford.edu/glast … doXrb.root

while this small one works fine: ftp://ftp-glast.slac.stanford.edu/glast … merit.root

I tried this with 5.12 on intel mac and 5.10 on RHEL3 linux. Same behaviour.

TChain* c = new TChain(“MeritTuple”);

// c->Add("/Users/Richard/GLAST/MicroQuasars/DC2/v2-Sky/allXrbPrune-merit.root");

TString sRootName = “Merit_Bin_”;
TString sBinName;

TStopwatch timer;
Double_t timeReal, timeCPU, timeRealTot = 0., timeCPUTot = 0.;

float val[100000000];
Long64_t index[100000000];

int nParamBins = 42;
float binUpper[42];

for (int i=0; iSetBranchAddress(“PtMagLat”,&PtMagLat);

Long64_t nEntries = c->GetEntries();

c->SetBranchStatus("*", 0);
c->SetBranchStatus(“PtMagLat”, 1);

Long64_t jentry;
for (jentry=0; jentryGetEntry(jentry);

val[jentry] = fabs(PtMagLat);


cout << " Starting sort for " << nEntries << " entries" << endl;


cout << "Min, max PtMagLat = " << val[index[0]] << " " << val[index[nEntries-1]] << endl;

timeRealTot += timeReal = timer.RealTime();
timeCPUTot += timeCPU = timer.CpuTime();

  cout << "Sort took (" << timeReal << "wall, " << timeCPU << "cpu) seconds to execute."  <<endl>SetBranchStatus("*", 1);

for (Long64_t kentry=0; kentryGetEntry(index[kentry]);

if (kentry%100000 == 0) cout << " entry " << kentry << " PtMagLat " << PtMagLat << " oBin " << oBin <<endl>binUpper[oBin]) {

  // if a file is already open, close it
  if (f!=0) {
  f = 0;
  cout << " Closed file at entry " << kentry << " PtMagLat " << PtMagLat << " oBin " << oBin <<endl>cd();
  t = c->CloneTree(0);

  Long64_t maxFile = 10000000000LL;
// fill in what got read from the input chain



// odds are the run did not end on a bin boundary, so there is still
// an open file.

if (f!=0) {

cout << “processing time (wall, cpu) = (” << timer.RealTime() << ", " << timer.CpuTime() << “)s” << endl;



Could you post the real script that you execute? Your code above does not compile. Also note that you seem to define 2 huge arrays using more
than 1 Gigabyte of memory!!!


Hi Rene,

Yes, I will make it compilable. I was prototyping to see if this way might work, rather than the brute force approach we had of running a batch job per parameter bin with a TCut/CloneTree creation of an output file.

So my question was really - is it known how random access scales with file size? This all-sky tuple I was using had 10M entries and is about 300 columns wide. I’m pretty sure the macro works in fact, since it behaves fine for smaller files (we tried up to 800k entries).

My approach may also be doomed to failure since sorting an arbitrarily large array may be prohibitive. I’d hoped the tree indexing would have been the answer, until I realized it was indexing not sorting (hence ints). If I have to extract a column out into an array (whether fixed or variable like an std vector), I still face the memory penalty. Since I have 2 GB ram on my mac, I wasn’t worrying about this yet.
