Nothrow issues

Hi. I’m trying to trace down a bug in a (non-compiled class) I have doing helper work in a script. It’s causing bus errors/segmentation faults which I’m having a great deal of trouble tracing down. So, because I believe it to be memory related, I’ve implemented this in the constructor:

//Blank constructor no parameters
MDimArray::MDimArray() { 
  ar=new(nothrow) double[1]; 
  if(ar == NULL) cout << "Memory allocation failed" << endl;

//Constructor, required length and width
MDimArray::MDimArray(int len, int wid){
   length=len; width=wid;
   //Allocate space for a new single dimension array
   ar=new(nothrow) double[len*wid];
   for(int i=0; i<len; i++){
     for(int j=0; j<wid; j++){

This almost immediately produces this error:

Error: Symbol nothrow is not defined in current scope  MDimArray.C:50:
Error: memory allocation for double (nothrow)double size=8 pinc=1 FILE:/Users/chrispankow/Documents/ligowork/wbinsp/WBinspiral/src/./MDimArray.C LINE:50

Any ideas as to why the interpreter doesn’t recognize nothrow? Thanks in advance.

[quote]Any ideas as to why the interpreter doesn’t recognize nothrow? Thanks in advance.[/quote]We have not yet implemented support for it.

Simply compile your code (simply by adding + and hence using ACLiC while loading the file).
