Dear experts,
I have a question on a functionality of RDataFrame which i am currently using for some prototyping code.
I have an ntuple which contains some “raw” double values of objects as vector
I have declared operator() which “construct objects” using them and create a column
operator()( ... ){
auto a = map< int, Object> myObjects;
... fill a
return a;
those are obtained with a simple
node = node.Define( "myMap", functor, {...});
now the tricky bit is that i have multiple objects :
node = node.Define("myMap2", functor2, {...});
and myMap2
stores std::map<int, Object2> object2
Now the problematic business i am dealing with is the fact , only once those maps are created i want to “update” objects in the map with a pointer to the other container object
( e.g. set the Object1.setRelationProperty( & map2[key] )
updating the private member in Object1 with a pointer to an element in map2.
Switching off multi-threaded all this is working but i need to make a function doing :
auto link = []operator()( map<int, Object1> & obj, map<int, Object2> & objs2){
... here i do the linking relation setting ,
return 1;
To ensure that further node operation uses the updated containers i need the “link” define token to be used as input in the next operations i want to do, to bypass the RDataFrame scheduler which would “forget” about this link-update step.
Everything seems to work for the moment, but when i perform a “Take” operation , sometimes the code is working, sometimes is not and i am a bit puzzled.
Any suggestion/help is more than welcome.
PS: Apologize if my question is naive, but all i am facing is just
- “Create/Define an object container1 of Obj1”
- “Create/Define an object container2 of Obj2”
- “Update the container1/2 in a single Define (not copying stuff, have from Obj1 access to Obj2 and modify it)”
Thenk do a Take
the containers with all properties linked to do some local debugging / development of what to write as next “functor”
In old-root one would have done it with a plain loop over events and perform operations , here i realized that “RDF” allows to update objects created by an operation, since it doesn’t complain about having
operator()( myContainer & cont1) being used as argument.
( but then to use the updated one, you need to use as input column a “token” of the operation to ensure the event loop scheduler accounts for the relation of “orders-of-Defines” done.