Hi, I was previously using a self-compiled ROOT, and recently updated XCode and installed the latest ROOT from MacPorts. When I open CINT and try some basic stuff, I get the following:
[code]jfcaron@jfcaron-MacBook:~$ root -l
- ROOT v5.34/01 *
root [0] TBrowser tb;
root [1]
root [1] TH1F h(“h”,“h”,10,0,10)
root [2] h.Fill(5)
root [3] h.Draw()
Warning in TCanvas::ResizePad: c1 width changed from 0 to 10
Warning in TCanvas::ResizePad: c1 height changed from 0 to 10
Info in TCanvas::MakeDefCanvas: created default TCanvas with name c1
root [4] [/code]
But no graphics. X11 does not start and no windows show up for the Browser or the histogram.
Here are the answers to some common debugging questions:
which root :/opt/local/bin/root
echo $ROOTSYS: /opt/local
echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /opt/local/lib/root:/root:/root:/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib
echo $PYTHONPATH: /opt/local/lib/root:/root:/root:/lib::/Users/jfcaron/Macros
This is Mac OS 10.7.4, ROOT 5.34/01.
Thanks for any help.