Newbie Fit/RooFit Question

Hi @katrina09,

indeed, RooFit is well suited for this!

You can find the necessary code snippets for your task in the RooFit tutorials. In particular, take a look at:

Note that in ht e tutorial overview, there are also links to the Python version of both tutorials.

In summary, you have to:

  1. Wrap all you histograms in a RooDataHist
  2. Create two RooHistPdf from the mc-based data-hists
  3. Create a RooAddPdf from the two RooHistPdf
  4. Fit the RooAddPdf to the RooDataHist with the data

It will do a binned likelihood fit by the way, not a chi-square fit. If your data histogram is representing events, the likelihood fit is the right thing to do.

Let us know if you have any follow-up questions!