New branch as function of existing branches

Is there a way to make a new branch (either in a new tree/file or in the existing one) as a function of old branches? That is, I want “sqrt(pow(J_psi_1S_TRUEP_E+Lambda0_TRUEP_E,2)-pow(J_psi_1S_TRUEP_X+Lambda0_TRUEP_X,2)-pow(J_psi_1S_TRUEP_Y+Lambda0_TRUEP_Y,2)-pow(J_psi_1S_TRUEP_Z+Lambda0_TRUEP_Z,2))” to exist as its own branch.

Details of my motivation:

I’m working with an invariant mass. I can do MCDecayTree->Draw("sqrt(pow(J_psi_1S_TRUEP_E+Lambda0_TRUEP_E,2)-pow(J_psi_1S_TRUEP_X+Lambda0_TRUEP_X,2)-pow(J_psi_1S_TRUEP_Y+Lambda0_TRUEP_Y,2)-pow(J_psi_1S_TRUEP_Z+Lambda0_TRUEP_Z,2))"); just fine.
I want to do an unbinned fit to this distribution. Normally, I would do this by making a RooDataSet from the tree with a RooRealVar whose name is same as the branch’s: TFile *hastree = new TFile("[path to file]/file.root", "READ"); TTree * h100 = (TTree*)hastree->Get("MCDecayTreeTuple/MCDecayTree"); RooRealVar *mass = new RooRealVar("Bs_LOKI_MASS_JpsiConstr","m(J/#psi #Lambda)",4100,6100,"MeV"); RooDataSet *data = new RooDataSet("data","1D",h100,*mass); I tried doing this by using the above string as the name of the RooRealVar, but I end up with a distribution = 0 except at one point. One resolution seems to be creating a branch with the same values as the function so I can just use the branch name instead of the function as the name of RooRealVar.


I wonder if a simpler approach would consist in creating a dataset and adding* to it the values of the invariant mass while looping on the ttree.

* … 890da8bf1f

RooDataSet::add, nor apparently any other member function, takes a double as an argument, and there does not seem to be a convenient way to put these doubles into a RooArgSet (which RooDataSet::add would take).


I don’t think the signature with a double precision floating point is provided too.
What can be done is to inject the information in form of a RooArgSet.


Yes, but (forgive my ignorance) I don’t see how to put the double into an acceptable RooArgSet. The flow seems to be RooDataSet(RooArgSet(RooAbsArg(double))), and I don’t know how to make a double into a RooAbsArg, and I’m a little unclear on if the RooArgSet is supposed to just contain the value for a given event or if it needs more than that (the description of RooDataSet::add says something about coordinates…).

This will get you started:

RooRealVar x("myVar", "myVar", 0)
RooArgSet as(x)
RooDataSet ds("name","title",as)
for (auto i : ROOT::TSeqI(10)) {
for (auto i : ROOT::TSeqI(ds.numEntries())) {

Unfortunately, this gives me the same result as before: a dataset at 0 except for one point (apparently the same point, actually). I think I may really have to build a new tree. Details of the failure:

I did a makeclass on the tuple where the data is stored, then cut down the .h file to only the branches I needed. I then edited the loop in the .C file to populate a dataset:[code]void Lst_1405::Loop(RooDataSet& set)
if (fChain == 0) return;

Long64_t nentries = fChain->GetEntriesFast();

Long64_t nbytes = 0, nb = 0;
for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry<nentries;jentry++) {
Long64_t ientry = LoadTree(jentry);
if (ientry < 0) break;
nb = fChain->GetEntry(jentry); nbytes += nb;
// if (Cut(ientry) < 0) continue;
RooRealVar x(“x”,“x”,sqrt(pow(J_psi_1S_TRUEP_E+Lambda0_TRUEP_E,2)-pow(J_psi_1S_TRUEP_X+Lambda0_TRUEP_X,2)-
RooArgSet inv_mass(x);
[/code]Then in my fit code I include the .C file and do RooDataSet *LstMC = new RooDataSet("LstMC","1D",RooArgList(*mass)); Lst_1405 t; t.Loop(*LstMC); This results in the following distribution (generated by doing [code]root [0] RooRealVar *mass = new RooRealVar(“Bs_LOKI_MASS_JpsiConstr”,“m(J/#psi #Lambda)”,4100,6100,“MeV”);

RooFit v3.60 – Developed by Wouter Verkerke and David Kirkby
Copyright © 2000-2013 NIKHEF, University of California & Stanford University
All rights reserved, please read

root [1] #include “Lst_1405.C”
root [2] RooDataSet *LstMC = new RooDataSet(“LstMC”,“1D”,RooArgList(*mass));
root [3] Lst_1405 t;
root [4] t.Loop(*LstMC);
root [5] RooPlot *framex = mass->frame();
root [6] framex->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(“Events/(5 MeV)”);
root [8] LstMC->plotOn(framex)
(RooPlot *) 0x8ebb820
root [9] framex->Draw()

I think I must fill a tree.

Okay, it turns out filling a new tree is pretty easy. I just did the makeclass as I described above, but used the following in the definition of Loop() instead:[code]void Lst_1405::Loop()
if (fChain == 0) return;

Long64_t nentries = fChain->GetEntriesFast();

Long64_t nbytes = 0, nb = 0;

//create tree
TFile f("[path to file]/file.root",“RECREATE”);
TTree t(“mytree”,“mytree”);
double val;
t.Branch(“m(J/#psi #Lambda)”, &val, “mass/D”);

//fill tree
for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry<nentries;jentry++) {
Long64_t ientry = LoadTree(jentry);
if (ientry < 0) break;
nb = fChain->GetEntry(jentry); nbytes += nb;
// if (Cut(ientry) < 0) continue;
val = sqrt(pow(J_psi_1S_TRUEP_E+Lambda0_TRUEP_E,2)-pow(J_psi_1S_TRUEP_X+Lambda0_TRUEP_X,2)-pow(J_psi_1S_TRUEP_Y+Lambda0_TRUEP_Y,2)-pow(J_psi_1S_TRUEP_Z+Lambda0_TRUEP_Z,2));


the problem with your previous snippets is that you are plotting a variable different from the one you are filling. This simplified macro shows the behaviour you reported. The solution is to use the same RooRealVar instance representing the invariant mass.


void plot() {

RooRealVar *mass = new RooRealVar("Bs_LOKI_MASS_JpsiConstr","m(J/#psi #Lambda)",4100,6100,"MeV");
RooArgSet row(*mass);
RooRealVar *mass2 = new RooRealVar("Bs_LOKI_MASS_JpsiConstr2","m(J/#psi #Lambda)",4100,6100,"MeV");
RooArgSet row2(*mass2);

RooDataSet *LstMC = new RooDataSet("LstMC","1D",RooArgList(*mass));
TRandom3 rndm(1);
for (auto i : ROOT::TSeqI(1000)) {
// Uncomment to make work
//   mass->setVal(rndm.Gaus(5000,100));
//   LstMC->add(row);
// Comment to make work

RooPlot *framex = mass->frame();
framex->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Events/(5 MeV)");
