Native way to get correlation matrix of branches of a tree

I was looking at some code for doing correlation matrices for different variables in a tree and i started wondering if there is a native way to do so. Something like
and already draws it (maybe)
where branch1,2… are the branches with the variables i want to get the correlation matrix of, and weightBranch may be a branch containing the weight of each event. Would also be interesting to have formulas relating the different branches (“(branch1+branch2)&&branch3…”)

I’m sorry if it already exists, I was looking for it but i was not able to find it.
Thanks for your help.


Not that I am aware of. Adding experts in the loop in case I am missing something (@moneta @pcanal ).


If it’s not there maybe it could be useful to implement in the future(?).
In any case thanks again for your response, cheers!


Apologies for the delay. It could be useful but presently we do not have resources to put this on the program of work. Are you interested in giving it a try?


Sounds good, maybe we can discuss it at the end of next month? (If it’s not an issue)

Sure! Talk to you at the end of July. The best way to proceed, I think, could be to submit a PR to GitHub - root-project/root: The official repository for ROOT: analyzing, storing and visualizing big data, scientifically and take it from there.

Thanks a lot!
