Please fill also the fields below. Note that root -b -q will tell you this info, and starting from 6.28/06 upwards, you can call .forum bug from the ROOT prompt to pre-populate a topic.
ROOT Version: 6.30.06 Platform: windows 10 Compiler: vc++ 2022
My computer can not open 6.30.06, but it can open 6.30.04 and I use 6.30.04 no problem.
I have uninstalled all the old versions before installing the new one(6.30.06).
I have no startup script or custom .roorc.
I use VS 2022, this is different with yours.
Now, I have uninstalled the 6.30.06. And I have re_installed 6.30.04, it is working ok.
I understand, and I will investigate more and try to guess what could be the issue…
But at least you can use 6.30.04 for now and 6.30.06 doesn’t have new features anyway
Thanks for your report. Thanks to it we discovered that the links to the zip version of the Win binaries of 6.30.06 were not correctly published on the release page Release 63006 - ROOT . That issue is now fixed.
You can find them now there and try them out, if you so wish.