Missing Legend in ROOT File hist

I am trying to create a ROOT file with the histogram I generated. However, when I view the histogram from the file, there is a legend missing. Can you please tell how can I fix this? Thank you.

void histo()
  4 {
  5         Int_t nBins = 120000; //Bin Size = 0.001 GeV 
  6         Int_t x_lo = 0;
  7         Int_t x_hi = 120;
  9         //Stacking Histogram with THStack       
 10         THStack *histos = new THStack("histos", "Stacked Neutrino Histograms for Target Radius 1 cm; Energy [GeV]; Entries/0.001 GeV");
 11         TH1D* hist1 = new TH1D("nu_e_Hist", "Histogram Title", nBins, x_lo, x_hi);
 12         hist1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
 13         hist1->SetLineColor(kRed);
 15         TH1D* hist2 = new TH1D("nu_mu_Hist", "Histogram Title", nBins, x_lo, x_hi);
 16         hist2->SetMarkerStyle(21);
 17         hist2->SetLineColor(kBlue);
 19         TH1D* hist3 = new TH1D("anti_nu_e_Hist", "Histogram Title", nBins, x_lo, x_hi);
 20         hist3->SetMarkerStyle(22);
 21         hist3->SetLineColor(kGreen-3);
 23         TH1D* hist4 = new TH1D("anti_nu_mu_Hist", "Histogram Title", nBins, x_lo, x_hi);
 24         hist4->SetMarkerStyle(23);
 25         hist4->SetLineColor(kBlack);
 27         histos->Add(hist1);
 28         histos->Add(hist2);
 29         histos->Add(hist3);
 30         histos->Add(hist4);
 32         //Working with ROOT File
 33         TFile* fInput = new TFile("TargetVStudy_1cm_POT1000.root", "READ"); //READ
 34         TTree* tree = (TTree*)fInput->Get("DUNETargetSim");
 36         Char_t pid[32];  //Particle Identification  
 37         Double_t Energy; //Kinetic Energy
 39         tree->SetBranchAddress("pid", &pid);
 40         tree->SetBranchAddress("kineticEnergy", &Energy);
 42         //Looping over to get the data for specific particle and filling the selected histogram
 43         Int_t nEntries = tree->GetEntries("kineticEnergy");
 44         for (Int_t i = 0; i < nEntries; i++)
 46                 tree->GetEntry(i);
 48                 for (Int_t j = 0; j < 4; j++)
 49                 {
 50                 switch(j) {
 51                         case 0:
 52                                 if(strcmp(pid, "nu_e") == 0) { hist1->Fill(Energy); }
 53                                 break;
 54                         case 1:
 55                                 if(strcmp(pid, "nu_mu") == 0) { hist2->Fill(Energy); }
 56                                 break;
 57                         case 2:
 58                                 if(strcmp(pid, "anti_nu_e") == 0) { hist3->Fill(Energy); }
 59                                 break;
 60                         case 3:
 61                                 if(strcmp(pid, "anti_nu_mu") == 0) { hist4->Fill(Energy); }
 62                                 break;
 63                         default:
 64                         //      cout << "Hey There!" << endl;
 65                                 ;
 67                         }
 68                 }
 69         }
 71         TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas();
 72         c1->SetTicks();
 73         c1->SetGrid();
 74         c1->SetLogy();
 75         histos->Draw("nostack");
 77         //Drawing Legend
 78         TLegend *leg = new TLegend();
 79         leg->SetHeader("#nu types", "C"); //C means center
 80         leg->AddEntry(hist1, "nu_e", "f"); //f gives a square box
 81         leg->AddEntry(hist2, "nu_mu", "f");
 82         leg->AddEntry(hist3, "anti_nu_e", "f");
 83         leg->AddEntry(hist4, "anti_nu_mu", "f");
 84         leg->Draw();
 86         TFile* output = new TFile("all_nu_stacked_1cm.root", "RECREATE");
 87         histos->Write();
 88         output->Close();
 89 }

Legend shows up when I get the histogram by simply Draw(). But when I open my histogram from the ROOT file I created, the legend is missing.


histos->GetHistogram()->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(leg); // it's weird, but it works
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Thank you again. It’s only weird when it doesn’t work. :smiley: