Missing functions in root generated class dictionary

I’ve written an object for root which successfully compiles a .so library and Dict.cxx, but root complains when gSystem->Load(“lib.so”), saying that the symbol _ZN9I3llhReco11ShowMembersER16TMemberInspectorPc is undefined. Indeed, looking at the Dict.cxx, I see entries for my user defined methods and so forth, but the entries for the methods root generates to facillitate introspection, like ShowMembers, are missing. Has anyone run into this kind of situation before? Any recommendations?

thanks in advance

Which version are you using?
Do you have the ClassDef/ClassImp macros?
in LinkDef.h Did you specify (note the “+”)
#pragma link C++ class MyClass+;


[quote=“brun”]Which version are you using?
Do you have the ClassDef/ClassImp macros?
in LinkDef.h Did you specify (note the “+”)
#pragma link C++ class MyClass+;

Thanks for the reply! I’m running root-4.00.08. While I had the requisite ClassDef and ClassImp macros, I didn’t have the extra “+” in my LinkDef.h. I’ve added this, however I still can’t get rootcint to generate a dictionary for the object complete with its dictionaries. Any other suggestions?


I can only repeat the usual request in this case

Please send the shortest possible running setup reproducing the problem
