Dear all,
I am using Minuit2 to find the best values of four parameters through chi-squared minimization. For some reason, Minuit2 seems to change only one of these parameters, namely params[3], regardless of what I set the parameters to be initially. I really don’t understand why this is happening, especially because I have used Minuit2 in the past and I have never encountered this issue before. Is this something that happens when Minuit cannot find a minimum? And is there a way around it?
Below is my code:
#include "Minuit2/FunctionMinimum.h"
#include "Minuit2/MnUserParameterState.h"
#include "Minuit2/MnPrint.h"
#include "Minuit2/MnMigrad.h"
#include "Minuit2/FCNBase.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
using namespace ROOT::Minuit2;
using namespace Eigen;
const double PI = 4*atan(1);
// Define minimizer class (inherits from FCNBase)
class Minimizer : public FCNBase {
const std::vector< std::vector<double> > &m_data;
// const std::vector<double> &m_mass;
Minimizer(const std::vector< std::vector<double> > &data) : m_data(data) {}
~Minimizer() {}
// functions to find factorial and double factorial of given number - used in the Vqq matrix element
//Omitted here (but they are in the actual code)
double diagonalization(double n, double L, double p0, double p1, double p2, double p3){
// Declare the number of terms in the expansion and the number of iterations for the numerical integrals
int N1 = 12;
// Declare the variational parameters - values taken from the hybrid decay paper:
double alphaInit = 0.005;
// Define the matrices - the dimension can be set to be any of the above indexes since they are generally the same
MatrixXd HMX(N1, N1);
MatrixXd NMX(N1, N1);
MatrixXd KMX(N1, N1);
MatrixXd VMX(N1, N1);
//Declare the variables for the minimum eigenvalue
double minEvalue0 = 0.0; // ground state eigenvalue
double minEvalue1 = 0.0; // first excited state eigenvalue
double minEvalue2 = 0.0; // second excited state eigenvalue
double minEvalue3 = 0.0; // third excited state eigenvalue
std::vector<double> eValues0;
std::vector<double> eValues1;
std::vector<double> eValues2;
std::vector<double> eValues3;
std::vector<double> minEvalues;
// Loop over the variational parameters and the matrix elements (k1=n', l1=m', k2=n, l2=m).
for (double alpha = alphaInit; alpha <= 1.000; alpha += 0.005){
for (int k1 = 1; k1 <= N1; k1++){
for (int k2 = 1; k2 <= N1; k2++){
// Define the full Hamiltonian in configuration space - works for all values of L
// Overlap Matrix
NMX(k1-1,k2-1) = pow(2.0,L + 1)*sqrt(2.0)*pow(k1*k2,0.75 + L/2.0)/(pow(k1+k2,1.5 + L));
// Mass and kinetic terms
KMX(k1-1,k2-1) = (pow(2.0,L + 1)*sqrt(2.0)*pow(k1*k2,0.75 + L/2.0)/(pow(k1+k2,1.5 + L))) * (2.0*p0 + (3.0+2.0*L)*(k1*k2)*alpha*alpha/(p0*(k1+k2)));
// Potential term
VMX(k1-1,k2-1) = (powerfactorial(L)*pow(k1*k2,0.75 + L/2.0)/(doublefactorial(2*L+1)*sqrt(PI)*alpha*pow(k1+k2,2.0+L)))*(2*p1*alpha*alpha*(k1+k2)-3*(L+1)*p2);
// Diagonalize and print the eigenvalues
HMX = KMX - (4.0/3.0)*VMX;
GeneralizedSelfAdjointEigenSolver<MatrixXd> es(HMX,NMX);
//pushback eigenvalues into vectors
// Calculate the minimum eigenvalue and the corresponding parameters
minEvalue0 = eValues0[0];
minEvalue1 = eValues1[0];
minEvalue2 = eValues2[0];
minEvalue3 = eValues3[0];
//cout << "\n";
//cout << "Here is the full list of eigenvalues: " << std::endl;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < eValues0.size(); i++){
if (eValues0[i] < minEvalue0){
minEvalue0 = eValues0[i];
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < eValues1.size(); i++){
if (eValues1[i] < minEvalue1){
minEvalue1 = eValues1[i];
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < eValues2.size(); i++){
if (eValues2[i] < minEvalue2){
minEvalue2 = eValues2[i];
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < eValues3.size(); i++){
if (eValues3[i] < minEvalue3){
minEvalue3 = eValues3[i];
//push_back all the minimized eigenvalues into a vector
double eigenvalue = minEvalues[n-1]-p3;//return the desired eigenvalue from minEvalues
return eigenvalue;
// Define function that selects the state for diagonalization(n, L, p0, p1, p2, p3)
double mass (int state, double p0, double p1, double p2, double p3){
double n;
double L;
double mesonMass = 0.0;
if (state == 0){//1S
n = 1.0;
L = 0.0;
else if (state == 1){//1P
n = 1.0;
L = 1.0;
else if (state == 2){//2S
n = 2.0;
L = 0.0;
else if (state == 3){//1D
n = 1.0;
L = 2.0;
else if (state == 4){//2P
n = 2.0;
L = 1.0;
else if (state == 5){//3S
n = 3.0;
L = 0.0;
else if (state == 6){//4S
n = 4.0;
L = 0.0;
mesonMass = diagonalization(n, L, p0, p1, p2, p3);
return mesonMass;
double operator() (const std::vector<double> ¶ms) const {
double X2 = 0.0;
//std::cout << mass(0,params[0], params[1], params[2], params[3]) << std::endl;
//std::vector<double> mass;
for (int i=0; i<m_data[0].size(); i++) {
double n = m_data[0][i];
double L = m_data[1][i];
double f = mass(i, params[0], params[1], params[2], params[3]);
X2 += (m_data[2][i] - f)*(m_data[2][i] - f)/(m_data[2][i]);
//std::cout << "data[2][i] = " << m_data[2][i] << std::endl;
//std::cout << "mass[i]" << f << std::endl;
return X2;
//set to 1 for chi-sq and 0.5 for log-likelihood
double Up() const {return 1.0;}
int main(){
std::vector< std::vector<double> > data(3);
// (1S) n=1, L=0; N=0
// (1P) n=2, L=1; N=0
// (2S) n=2, L=0; N=1
// (1D) n=3, L=2; N=0
// (2P) n=3, L=1; N=1
// (3S) n=3, L=0; N=2
// (4S) n=4, L=0; N=3
std::vector<double> params(4,1.0);
std::vector<double> err(4,0.1);
params[0] = 5.00; //mc
params[1] = 0.40; //alphaS
params[2] = 0.14; //b
params[3] = 0.18; //mass shift
std::cout << "Initial values of parameters: " << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
std::cout << "params[" << i << "] = " << params[i] << std::endl;
std::cout << "Computing the values of the parameters..." << std::endl;
Minimizer fcn(data);
MnMigrad migrad(fcn, params, err);
FunctionMinimum minParams = migrad();
std::cout << "CHISQUARED MINIMIZATION RESULTS:" << std::endl;
std::cout << "\n";
std::cout << "***************************************" << std::endl;
std::cout << " chi^2 = " << minParams.Fval() << std::endl;
std::cout << " for the following values:\n " << "mass q: " << minParams.UserState().Value(0) << ", alphaS: " << minParams.UserState().Value(1) << ", b: " \
<< minParams.UserState().Value(2) << ", shift: " << minParams.UserState().Value(3) << std::endl;
std::cout <<"****************************************" << std::endl;
std::cout << "\n";
//std::cout << "Did the minimizer find a minimum?" << minParams.isValid() << std::endl;
std::cout << "migrad() results: " << minParams << std::endl;
std::cout << "Process completed." << std::endl;
return 0;
The output of this is the following:
chi^2 = 0.00278467
for the following values:
mass q: 5.1997, alphaS: 0.4, b: 0.14, shift: 0.637963
migrad() results:
WARNING: Minuit did not converge.
# of function calls: 124
minimum function Value: 0.002784672250699
minimum edm: 6.678767958345
minimum internal state vector: LAVector parameters:
minimum internal covariance matrix: LASymMatrix parameters:
1.4000616e-10 4.9897517e-11 1.0394972e-11 -6.9624951e-06
4.9897517e-11 1.9757816e-11 3.9417031e-12 -2.6078556e-06
1.0394972e-11 3.9417031e-12 8.394459e-13 -5.4326561e-07
-6.9624951e-06 -2.6078556e-06 -5.4326561e-07 0.59767527
# ext. || Name || type || Value || Error +/-
0 || p0 || free || 5.199699062206 ||1.18324199021e-05
1 || p1 || free || 0.3999996341642 ||4.444976434746e-06
2 || p2 || free || 0.1399999440163 ||9.162128011203e-07
3 || p3 || free || 0.6379634861636 ||0.773094606389
WARNING: FunctionMinimum is invalid:
Edm is above max
Process completed.
As you can see, only params[3] is changed in the process, and this is true regardless of what initial values I give to the parameters. They remain unchanged, even if the end result is obviously off from the data. When I ran the code for a different set of data, Minuit was converging rather quickly, giving me the optimized values of parameters.
Any help/suggestion would be appreciated.
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ROOT Version: Not Provided
Platform: Linux Mint 17